Why do you suppose the population of deer in 1905 was 4000 when the range had a carrying capacity of 30000?

Why do you suppose the population of deer in 1905 was 4000 when the range had a carrying capacity of 30000?

Why do you suppose the population of deer in 1900 was 4,000 when the range had estimated carrying capacity of 30,000? Probably because of the overgrazing that occurred.

Why did the Kaibab deer population decline?

The deer were hunted, but most of the population died because the environment could not sustain the population.

What is the lesson of the Kaibab?

Introduction: The environment may be altered by forces within the biotic community, as well as by relationships between organisms and the physical environment. The carrying capacity of an ecosystem is the maximum number of organisms that an area can support on a sustained basis.

What is the carrying capacity of the Kaibab deer population?

30,000 deer
Kaibab Plateau has a carrying capacity of 30,000 deer at any one point in time (Allen, 2013). Thus, the most suited population that would not degrade the environment, but still inhabit the place comfortably would be close to, but not more than the carrying capacity (Allen, 2013).

What was the estimated carrying capacity of the Kaibab Plateau in 1905?

about 30,000 deer
In 1905, the deer population on the Kaibab Plateau in Arizona was estimated to be about 4,000 on 300,000 hectares of range. The average carrying capacity of the range was estimated to be about 30,000 deer.

Why did Kaibab deer population increase?

In 1970, Graeme Caughley suggested that the mule deer population explosion on the Kaibab Plateau was due more to the recovery of the range than to the disappearance of predators. It turns out that while predators were being removed from the area, so were domestic livestock.

How do you manage deer herds?

Some steps to follow once you take on QDM and decide to improve the antlered age structure:

  1. Set management goals.
  2. Increase the quality of food sources.
  3. Provide additional water sources (if needed)
  4. Create more (and better) bedding cover.
  5. Make good harvest decisions.
  6. Plan with neighboring hunters.
  7. Monitor the herd.

What was the estimated carrying capacity of the Kaibab Plateau in 1940?

All non-local livestock were removed from the Kaibab National Forest and the deer population continued to decline slowly until it reached a stable number of approximately 8,000 in the 1940s.

What is the deer population in Arizona?

between 50,000 and 60,000
The state also reports that hunt success has been averaging about 26% and the Coues deer population in Arizona is estimated to be between 50,000 and 60,000.

What two methods did the Forest Service do to protect the Kaibab deer?

The first step in protecting the deer was to ban all hunting in the area. Then, in 1907, the Forest Service tried to exterminate the natural predators of the deer, killing approximately 800 mountain lions, 20 wolves, 7400 coyotes, and 500 bobcats between 1907 and 1939.

How do deer grow population?

-The most critical time for you to increase deer numbers takes place during the hunting season. If a “glamour crop” of beans or corn is down to the dirt by early October, then consider adding planting acreage, utilizing more browse resistent forages such as rye, brassicas, oats and clover, or both.

How many deer live on the Kaibab Plateau?

PROCEDURE Before 1905, the deer on the Kaibab Plateau in Arizona were estimated to number about 4000 on almost 300 000 hectares of range. The average carrying capacity of the range, was estimated then to be about 30 000 deer.

What was the Kaibab deer investigating committee?

The Kaibab Deer Investigating Committee recommended that all livestock not owned by local residents be removed immediately from the range and that the number of deer be cut in half as quickly as possible. Hunting was reopened, and during the fall of 1924, 675 deer were killed by hunters.

How do you graph the average carrying capacity of deer?

Construct a graph represent the deer population from 1905 -1939. Using the green pencil, draw and label a straight horizontal line across the graph to represent the average carrying capacity of the range. Using the red pencil, graph the data in Table 1.

Why were predators removed from the Kaibab Plateau?

Predators were removed as a way to increase deer populations, but may have had the opposite effect. Students read about the background of the Kaibab plateau, graph data, and then analyze the data. Follow-up discussions link the case to previous lessons on keystone species and carrying capacity.