Why is my Mac stuck on Apple icon loading bar?

Why is my Mac stuck on Apple icon loading bar?

Press and hold the power button on your Mac for up to 10 seconds, until your Mac turns off. Then turn your Mac back on. If the issue persists, press and hold the power button until your Mac turns off. Then unplug all accessories from your Mac, including printers, drives, USB hubs, and other nonessential devices.

Why does the loading circle keep spinning on my Mac?

Oftentimes, the spinning wheel appears when an application becomes unresponsive. This can happen when the app is demanding resources to run and your computer can’t quite keep up. By force quitting the app, you can usually get rid of the spinning wheel.

What do you do when your Mac is stuck on the spinning wheel?

How to Stop Spinning Wheel on Mac?

  1. Look at the top-left corner of the screen and click the Apple icon.
  2. Select Force Quit. Or you can also press Command + Alt + Esc .
  3. Select the application you want to force quit. In this case, it’s the non-responsive app.
  4. Press Force Quit.

Why is my Mac not booting up?

Press and hold the Command + R keys during the boot-up process. You should try to press these immediately after you hear the chime sound. Your Mac should boot to recovery mode. If it doesn’t, you probably didn’t press the keys soon enough—restart your Mac and try again.

What is the spinning colored ball on my Mac?

Spinning Ball: What It Means When you see the spinning colored beach ball, it means the Mac is slowing down due to low resources, such as memory, hard drive or processing power. It’s telling you to wait while the computer chugs through its work. Sometimes, it means the app is “frozen” and unable to continue.

How do I restore a disk image on a Mac?

Restore a disk image to a disk using Disk Utility on Mac

  1. In the Disk Utility app on your Mac, select the volume that you want to restore in the sidebar, then click the Restore button .
  2. Click the Restore pop-up menu, then choose the volume you want to copy.
  3. Click Restore.