Why did Anya leave Buffy?

Why did Anya leave Buffy?

Although she offered some advice to the Scoobies regarding the Ascension she witnessed in 1199, Anya was too afraid to help them fight the Mayor and decided to leave town. Xander refused to abandon his friends, so she left without him.

What is the best episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

And now, gentle readers, without any further ado, the Top 25 Best Episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  • RESTLESS (Season 4, Episode 22)
  • ONCE MORE, WITH FEELING (Season 6, Episode 7)
  • THE BODY (Season 5, Episode 16)
  • GRADUATION DAY, PARTS 1 & 2 (Season 3, Episodes 21 & 22)
  • BECOMING, PARTS 1 & 2 (Season 2, Episodes 21 & 22)

Did Anya sleep with Spike?

Xander argues with Anya, disgusted that she slept with Spike, who quietly remarks that he was good enough for Buffy. Xander tells Spike to leave Buffy out of it – then he and Anya see Buffy’s startled face and connect the dots.

Why is Anya afraid rabbit?

In a kind of emotional backlash Anya directed the negative feelings of her social rejection, not towards the people who rejected her, but to the one thing she previously trusted. The thing that (in her mind) failed her: The Bunnies. This emotional backlash manifested itself in a fear of Bunnies.

Does Xander love Anya?

He was looking at the far future where he believes he will turn into his father and make Anya’s life and their marriage a living hell. The reason Xander left Anya was not that he didn’t love her, it was because he loved her so much he didn’t want her to suffer with the crappy person he was sure he’d become.

Do Xander and Anya stay together?

She eventually rejoins the Scooby Gang as Season Seven focuses on the long fight against the First Evil and eventually becomes friends with Xander; although Xander and Anya still love each other, they never officially resume their relationship.