How do I identify lily turf?
Lilyturf forms a dense evergreen groundcover with a grass-like appearance. It blooms in July to August with lavender, purple, pink or white flower spikes. Although the flowers are individually small, they are very showy, since each plant has many spikes of blooms.
Does lilyturf come back every year?
In warmer climates with mild winters, it grow as an evergreen. However, in climates with cooler winters, liriope dies off in the fall. In either case, cutting back the foliage in the fall helps to improve next year’s growth cycle.
Is lilyturf a good ground cover?
An evergreen perennial, liriope — also known as lilyturf and monkey grass — makes a great ground cover and border plant in the landscape.
How much does lilyturf spread?
Each clump grows to about 1 1/2 feet tall and about 2 feet wide when mature. Since it does not spread as quickly as the plain green variety, it is easier to maintain in a garden.
Is liriope an invasive plant?
Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t become invasive in your garden. Liriope spicata is a low-growing perennial grass. It’s often used as a groundcover or as an edging for walkways and garden beds, but it’s aggressive and spreads fast. Keep an eye on it so it doesn’t become invasive in your garden.
What grows well with lily turf?
It combines beautifully with evergreen shrubs such as boxwoods, and with perennials with contrasting leaf shapes, such as large-leaved hostas and hellebores. Variegated cultivars include ‘Silvery Sunproof’, ‘John Burch’ and ‘Gold Band’.
Do you cut liriope back?
Clipping back every two to three years generally is adequate, so if your liriope looks fine this year, you may leave it alone. For readers with other ground covers, Asian jasmine generally requires cutting back at least once a year.
Does Liriope spicata spread?
Liriope spicata spreads aggressively. It should never be planted in a mixed border with other small plants.
How tall does lilyturf get?
12” to 18” inches
Lilyturf plants have long flower stems reaching up to 20” inches in length. The leaves typically reach 12” to 18” inches with interesting fountain-shaped growths.
How do you keep liriope from spreading?
To control its spread, just sever the shoots with a shovel. The separated shoots most likely already have young roots growing from them. You can either replant these shoots to expand your planting or toss or compost them.
Can you grow Liriope from seed?
Liriope can be grown from seed, but the seed must be fresh. It only remains viable for a few weeks. You will need to harvest the seed directly from the plants.
How to gather Liriope seeds?
Harvest seeds from monkey grass blossoms. Using snippers,clip the blossom stems that hold the seeds in place.
How to grow Liriope?
Growing liriope from seed. Remove the fleshy coat from seeds and sow in a tray or pot of propagating mix. Keep moist in a warm spot, and they will germinate readily. Dividing liriope plants. Larger, established plants can be lifted and divided. This is best done in late winter, while plants are near dormant.
How to plant a tropical water lily?
Tropical Water lilies should be planted in 2 to 7 gallon pots. A larger container will produce larger and more profuse flowering. Fill the container about half-way with a heavy clay based soil. Scoop out a section in the center of the pot. Place the tuber and roots upright in the center of the pot.