How do I make my PowerPoint more interactive?

How do I make my PowerPoint more interactive?

How to Give an Interactive PowerPoint Presentation in 2021

  1. Play music or do some chit chat while waiting.
  2. Welcome people and properly introduce the topic.
  3. Explain how people can interact with you.
  4. Involve the audience from the very start.
  5. Re-engage your audience every 5-7 minutes.
  6. Use polls to trigger a discussion.

What are good interactive activities for presentations?

5 Interactive games for your presentation

  • The Memory-style game. This game helps your audience to memorize the new concepts that you introduced and to check how well they remembered those concepts at the same time.
  • The Dice game.
  • Word Cloud game.
  • Sort it out game.
  • Four corners game.
  • Two truths and a lie.
  • Introductions game.

What game is like kahoot?

10 more games like Kahoot!

  • 99math. Like Kahoot! for math.
  • Baamboozle. Baamboozle is a fun game to play with your class as a bell ringer, check in, or review lesson.
  • Factile. Factile lets you create or play jeopardy-style quiz games for your classroom.
  • Quizalize.
  • Wordwall.
  • Pear Deck Flashcard Factory.
  • Flippity.

How do you make a presentation Interactive for a team?

8 ways to engage your audience when presenting in a Microsoft Teams or Zoom meeting

  1. Use builds on your slides.
  2. Show a short video clip.
  3. Show a website.
  4. Capture follow up ideas.
  5. Poll the participants.
  6. Use the chat feature.
  7. Show the impact of changes.
  8. Stop sharing your slides.

How do you make a pretty slide?

5 Tips to Make Your PowerPoint Slides Cuter & Playful

  1. Focus on Bright Colors. While it’s important to stay on brand, it’s also important to use colors that’ll help you convey the right mood.
  2. Leave Plenty of White Space.
  3. Use Hand-Drawn Illustrations.
  4. Use Larger Font Sizes.
  5. Combine Classic Fonts With Playful Ones.

Is there something better than Kahoot?

For students who need an LMS to study, Quizlet is a more ideal platform than Kahoot. With Quizlet, you can practice math, social science, world languages, science, arts, humanities, etc. As a student, you can create a study plan and the software will walk you through it; the software features an AI assistant.

How to make a presentation fun, interactive, and enjoyable?

Set your intention for an interactive presentation. If you don’t set your intention to have an interactive presentation,then you are leaving it to chance.

  • Be more playful. It always amazes me to see presenters become robots on stage.
  • Be clear about your expectations with your audience.
  • Manage the energy of your audience.
  • Motivate people to join.
  • How to create interactive presentations to impress students?

    Reminders. Add in places within your lecture notes or presentation slides reminders for you to engage the audience.

  • Time Limits. It is great to keep going a good game or discussion in the class where everyone is really engaged.
  • Sharing. Think of ways to let all students have a chance to share.
  • How to make animated educational videos and presentations?

    Engage your audience with beautiful teaching videos. No matter who you’re trying to educate — small children,high school students,or professional colleagues — Biteable will allow you to craft

  • Make awesome educational videos in less time. You don’t have the time or energy to learn the intricacies of video editing.
  • Keep your money in your pocket.
  • How to make a presentation creative and interesting?

    Choose Slides to Work With. As you think about unique topics for presentation designs,it pays to consider your goal.

  • Add Your Text. Adding your own text is the best place to start.
  • Customize Fonts. You might not think of text when you imagine creative,inspiring presentation topics.
  • Show Off Your Photos.
  • Change Shape Colors.