What is Q Exactive Plus?

What is Q Exactive Plus?

The Q Exactive™ Plus Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap™ Mass Spectrometer takes Quanfirmation to the next level with increased performance and new options that enhance applications from confident DMPK qual/quan screening studies to characterization of intact monoclonal antibodies.

What is q exactive?

The Q Exactive™ Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer from Thermo Scientific is an LC-MS/MS system combining quadrupole precursor ion selection with high-resolution, accurate-mass Orbitrap detection.

What is Q Orbitrap?

The Thermo Scientific Q Exactive hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer is equipped with high-performance quadrupole with high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) Orbitrap detection.

How does an Orbitrap work?

Ions entering the Orbitrap are captured through “electrodynamic squeezing,” after which they oscillate around the central electrode and in between the two outer electrodes. Different ions oscillate at different frequencies, resulting in their separation.

What is LTQ Orbitrap?

The LTQ Orbitrap Velos is an instrument that transmits the ions from the Velos to the Orbitrap. The Velos is actually used to control the number of ions going into the Orbitrap portion of the instrument, which improves the mass accuracy.

How does a quadrupole mass spectrometer work?

This type of mass analyzer separates ions based on the stability of their flight trajectories through an oscillating electric field in the quadrupole. The field is generated when a radio frequency (RF) voltage is applied between one pair of opposing rods within the quadrupole.

What is the difference between Orbitrap and Qtof?

With a QTOF you are already in a range of mass accuracy of about 1-2 ppm and a resolution R = 30000 to 50000. Orbitraps have a mass accuracy in the sub-ppm range and are even better in resolution.

Can Orbitrap do MS MS?

The graph is shown for effective oaTOF transmission of 4% at a resolving power of 20 000 or 1% at resolving power 40 000, Orbitrap transmission 40% and 64 ms transient (standard trap) or 32 ms (high-field compact trap).

Does Orbitrap use a magnetic field?

The orbitrap mass analyzer was commercialized in 2006 [24,25], and it is similar to the ICR mass analyzer, but it does not utilize a magnetic field for trapping.

Why is orbitrap high resolution?

In a relatively small amount of time, compatible with ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC), very high-mass resolutions can routinely be achieved with the Orbitrap MS. High resolution allows us to discriminate between compounds that have very similar masses when measured in the mass spectrometer.

What does LtQ stand for?


Acronym Definition
LtQ Leadership Through Quality
LtQ Local Teacher Quality
LtQ Leadership Trait Questionnaire
LtQ Long Term Queue (computer processing)