Can a post have multiple categories?
WordPress lets you put a post into multiple categories. This could be several parent categories, or a parent category plus a subcategory or subcategories. Having multiple categories won’t benefit your SEO. You should only assign posts to multiple categories if it makes the most sense for your readers.
How do I create multiple categories in WordPress?
To create multiple categoried you just have to enter categories separated by commas in ‘Enter categories separated by commas’ field. You can also create the categories as child by selecting parent category in ‘Parent Category’ dropdown.
How do I show all category names in WordPress?
Finally, you can ask WordPress to display a link to all your categories thanks to the option show_option_all . You give a string to this option, and WordPress will display a new link, pointing to all of your categories.
How do I create a category list in WordPress?
To create new categories in WordPress, go to Posts > Categories page. On the left side of the page, you will see a tab that allows you to create categories. Fill in the category name, its slug (will be used in the category URLs), the category description and then press Add New Category.
What is the difference between a category and a tag in WordPress?
Categories and tags are the two primary ways to group content on a WordPress site. In simple terms, categories are general labels, while tags are more specific (describe your posts in more detail).
How do I manage categories in WordPress?
From the admin panel, go to Posts and Categories. Hover on the categories which you want to edit. An edit option will appear there, click on it and edit the category. You can edit the name, slug, description, managing parent categories there.
How do I assign a category to a page in WordPress?
To add a category, head over Pages » Categories from your WordPress dashboard and then enter a ‘Name’ and ‘Slug’ for your category. After that, you can scroll down and select a ‘Parent Category’ for your category. Once you’ve entered these details, simply click the ‘Add New Category’ button.
How many categories should a website have?
There’s no ideal number, but between three to five categories gives you enough breadth without being too overwhelming to manage. Some bloggers prefer five to eight categories, while news sites may have around eight to ten. The number is up to you. Just consider your content, your strategy, and your time.
How many subcategories can you have in WordPress?
three subcategories
Nested Categories, But Not Too Nested By default, WordPress allows you to create a hierachy of up to 3 (sub)categories. And even in most cases, having three subcategories is too much.
How to create categories and sub-categories in WordPress?
#1 Create categories and sub-categories in a post’s edit screen 1 Click the Add New Category link and enter your sub-category name 2 Choose a parent category for it from the Parent Category dropdown 3 Save your changes by clicking on Add New Category button More
What is the difference between tags and categories in WordPress?
Unlike tags that describe specific details of your posts, categories identify what your content is about. If you don’t add categories to a post, it will be assigned the default one namely “Uncategorized” category. Since categories are hierarchical, you can create sub-categories.
How do I merge and edit categories and tags in WordPress?
If you want to merge and bulk edit categories and tags, then you’ll need to use a WordPress plugin. We recommend using the Term Management Tools plugin. It makes it easy to bulk manage your tags and categories with a couple of clicks.
What are parent and child categories in WordPress?
What Are Parent and Child Categories in WordPress? Categories work as the general topics of your content. Unlike tags that describe specific details of your posts, categories identify what your content is about. If you don’t add categories to a post, it will be assigned the default one namely “Uncategorized” category.