Can an R44 fly actual?

Can an R44 fly actual?

*Although the R44 Cadet with IFR equipment is designed for instrument flight training, it is not approved for actual IFR operations. While student pilots are flying on instruments, the instructor must act as the safety pilot and operate only under VFR conditions.

What is the range of an R44?

348 miRobinson R44 / Range

How many Robinson R44 have crashed?

Federal records show that 68 people have died in 39 separate crashes involving the Robinson R44 helicopter since Jan. 1, 2012.

How far can a R44 fly?

Robinson R44 Raven I and II Cruise Speed: average 113 knots. Range of Flight: maximum 251 nautical miles on a tank of gas. Altitude: 4,500 feet maximum.

How much does it cost to overhaul a Robinson R44?

R44 Raven Overhaul Cost

Overhaul Kit: $144,500k
Engine Overhaul: $25,000
Engine Buildup Kit: $4,600
Overhaul Labor: $16,500
Total: $190,600

What is the most unsafe helicopter?

Two Robinson helicopter models are the subjects of crashes more than any others:

  • The R22 BETA II Helicopter.
  • Number built: 4484.
  • Incidents on record: 1230.
  • Fatalities: 182.
  • The R44 Raven/Clipper Helicopter.
  • Number built: 5610.
  • Incidents on record: 378.
  • Fatalities: 74.

How much weight can a R44 lift?

The Robinson R44 Raven II is capable of lifting items up to 300kg, the Eurocopter AS350B2 has a lifting capacity of 900kg and the Hughes 500D can lift a total of 550kg.

How safe is the Robinson R44?

Since January 1, 2000, there have been 165 people killed in 96 crashes involving Robinson helicopters in the United States, according to National Transportation Safety Board records. Since 1982, there have been 512 deaths in 291 Robinson crashes worldwide.

Are R22 helicopters safe?

The R22 had 182 fatal accidents between March 1979 and June 2010 from a total of 1230 incidents. In late 1981, the R22 had its type certificate temporarily revoked by the Federal Aviation Administration due to delamination of a main rotor blade.

When was the R44 version of R44 revised?


What is the weight limit for a R44?

FAA APPROVED: 21 FEB 2014 2-3 ROBINSON MODEL R44 SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS WEIGHT LIMITS Maximum gross weight 2400 lb (1089 kg) Minimum gross weight 1550 lb (703 kg) Maximum per seat including baggage compartment 300 lb (136 kg) Maximum in any baggage compartment 50 lb (23 kg)

What are the dimensions of a Robinson R44 Astro?

Helicopter Specifications & Performance Fuselage Dimensions ROBINSON R44 ASTRO Length (ft): 29.7 Height (ft): 10.7 Width (ft): 7.1 Typical Configuration

What do you need to know about a R44 helicopter?

This section includes operating limitations, instrument markings, and basic placards required for safe operation of the helicopter, its engine, and other standard systems. This helicopter is approved as a normal category rotorcraft under FAA Type Certificate No. H11NM as Model R44 in the serial number range 0002 to 9999.