Can you breed 2 Deep Roller pigeons?

Can you breed 2 Deep Roller pigeons?

Any breeder of pigeons can mate two birds together and produce a decent result, occasionally.

How do you improve pigeon breeding?

How to Breed Pigeons Faster

  1. Improve Their Living Environment. Buying a secure pigeon loft will help your pigeon to feel safe and at ease.
  2. Make Sure Their Diet Is Good. Good quality pigeon food helps to keep your pigeons fit, healthy and ready to mate and lay eggs.
  3. Give Them Time To Pair Up.

How long do roller pigeons live?

Life Expectancy: Varies greatly from 3-5 years through to 15 years dependent on many factors, including natural predation and human interference. Predation: The wild pigeon is predated upon, almost exclusively, by the peregrine falcon, a bird that is also found living and breeding in coastal regions.

What do Roller pigeons do?

A roller pigeon is a domesticated breed or variety of pigeon that has been selected for its ability to tumble or roll in the air. Varieties of roller pigeons include: Birmingham Roller.

Why do Birmingham Roller pigeons roll?

The specific cause of the rolling phenomenon has not yet been determined, but the high-speed video analysis of parlor rollers in motion shows that their head goes backwards and their tail upwards when they raise their wings, the exact opposite of what a normal pigeon would do in attempting to fly.

How do you identify a tumbler pigeon?


  1. Plumage colors: These birds come in different plumage colors, such as blue, black, brown and white.
  2. The head is round, with a forehead that appears to be protuding a bit if compared to the regular pigeons.
  3. The beak can be of short or medium length.
  4. The cere (fleshy skin above the beak) is round in shape.

Do roller pigeons have homing instinct?

They are sometimes flown competitively. The Birmingham Roller is a small bird and it lacks a homing instinct so it will settle in quickly. Rollers are considered good birds for beginners as they are quite hardy.

What causes a roller pigeon to roll?

Do roller pigeons fly?

Summary of Information. Tumbler pigeons can fly normally most of the time but, in flight, have been specifically selected so that they show intermittent episodes in which they tumble – somersault backwards – and fall.

When do pigeons go back to the nest?

Pigeons usually go to nest again when the first round of youngsters is about 15-20 days old. Your nesting arrangements should be designed to allow the parents enough room to have a second nest without their having to evict the first round.

What do baby pigeons eat?

Baby Birds : Once the babies hatch, the parents will begin to feed them a special secretion from their crop called pigeon milk. At about ten day or so, the pigeon milk begins to be supplemented with the normal grain diet and by about twenty days, the babies are being fed almost exclusively on the standard grain/pellet mix.

When should I band my pigeon?

My racing homers need to be banded by about day seven or they’ve grown so large it is hard to get the band on to their leg. My Color Pigeons, on the other hand, need not be banded before eleven days old. In fact, if I do it earlier, the band often falls off.

How many eggs does a pigeon lay?

Pigeons usually lay two eggs, though young hens and old hens may lay only one. The first egg is laid about 4 p.m. and the second is laid two days after the first. Both parents incubate the nest, the male sits during the day from about 10 a.m. till about 5 p.m. and the hen sits the rest of the time.