Can you feed chickens just fodder?

Can you feed chickens just fodder?

Can you feed chickens just fodder? Some people choose to feed just fodder to their chickens. This is ok, as long as they are mixing the grains. Laying hens need 16% protein and 4% calcium.

How do you feed a fighting rooster?

Diet is important. Roosters weigh about five pounds and must weigh within two ounces of one another to fight. The author of the tutorial suggests feeding cocks a combination of oats, wheat, split peas, long grain rice, corn, popcorn and barley from November to April.

How do you feed chickens of different ages in the same coop?

Feeding an unmedicated starter/grower to a flock of mixed age birds with oyster shell available free-choice (in a separate dish) is the best solution. The additional protein in the starter/grower ration won’t hurt the older birds, but the calcium in layer feed can damage the kidneys of growing birds.

How do you protect free range chickens from predators?

Burying mesh at least one foot deep around the sides of the enclosure will keep predators from digging. Keeping chickens indoors at night is easily the most important and effective way of protecting free range birds, because many predators are most active between dusk and dawn.

How do you raise fodder for chickens?

Growing fodder

  1. Soak grain in a bucket of water overnight. Cover the grains by about two inches of water.
  2. Drain grains and transfer to trays. Spread evenly.
  3. Water each tray morning and night.
  4. You’ll see roots within the first couple of days, followed by greens.

How much fodder does a chicken eat per day?

An adult, laying chicken will eat about 1.75 lbs of feed a week. That translates to about 3.5-4 ounces (about 1/4 lb.) a day which roughly measures out to about 1/2 cup of feed per chicken per day.

How are roosters trained to fight?

In organized cockfights, the roosters’ natural fighting instincts are exaggerated through breeding, feeding, training, steroids and vitamins. A bird may undergo several months of training before a fight, which may involve running long obstacle courses (and even treadmills) and practice fights with other roosters.

How can I make my rooster stronger?

Roosters require higher protein and less calcium than laying hens. We recommend a separate diet of Purina® Flock Raiser® as rooster feed to help keep them strong. To do this, you can either feed roosters in a separate pen or raise one of the feeders so only the roosters can reach it.

What do 16 week old chickens eat?

Your 4 month old chickens (16 weeks), should be eating Purina® Start & Grow® feed. All Purina® complete chick starter feeds are higher in protein, lower in calcium and formulated to provide all the nutrition your birds need for a strong, healthy start and lifetime success.

Can you mix chickens of different ages?

As stated previously, mixing chickens of different ages needs to be done with caution. Chickens naturally use a pecking order to establish a hierarchy in their flock. When mixing chickens of different ages, the younger birds are at an automatic disadvantage to the more mature ones.

Does chicken wire keep predators out?

Avoid chicken wire. Surprisingly, chicken wire was designed to keep chickens in but not predators out. Some predators, like fisher cats, raccoons and snakes, can easily access your chickens through the larger links in the wiring. Instead of chicken wire opt for 1/2 inch hardware cloth instead.