Can you hunt cow elk in Colorado?

Can you hunt cow elk in Colorado?

These hunts are private land only, they are NOT available anywhere else in the state of Colorado; we have these hunts available in order to help manage the large herds of cow elk that live on our ranches in spring, summer, and fall, harvesting a target of 20 cows each year during this season helps keep these herds from …

How much is a cow elk hunt?

Hunters should bring a meat pack and plan on packing the elk out. Hunters who can shoot well, and are in good physical condition usually harvest their elk the first morning. Cost of this hunt is $2000 plus license and tag costs of $390.

How much is a cow elk tag in Colorado?

$ 57.90
​​Payment Deadlines

​​​License Type​ ​​​Fee – This is the fee you will be charged if you are successful in drawing your license, or get an unsuccessful option.
​​​ELK​ ​ ​
​Resident cow, bull or either sex ​$ 57.90
​Resident youth ​$ 16.32
​​Nonresident​ cow/fishing combo​​* ​$ 526.17

How do I get a cow elk tag in Colorado?

For sale online, by phone (1-800-244-5613) and at sales agents around the state. Prior to applying in the big game draw(s), all applicants will first need to purchase a qualifying hunting license. Online draw applications will not be accessible until you purchase your qualifying license.

Do it yourself elk hunt in Colorado?

Do-it-Yourself Colorado Elk Hunting The first season is a 5-day hunt. Hunters must apply for a tag early. The second and third seasons are 9 day hunts with bull tags available over the counter. Elk will be gathering up in smaller groups during this time.

Do it yourself elk hunt Colorado?

When can you buy over the counter elk tags in Colorado?

When Can I Purchase Over the Counter Licenses? OTC licenses in 2021 will go on sale August 3rd. However, these licenses are unlimited, so you don’t have to worry about them selling out. Licenses can be purchased from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website prior to your hunt.

How much does an over the counter elk tag cost in Colorado?

2022 Colorado Non-Resident Fees
Fee Cost
Elk – Bull or Either-Sex $700.98
Elk – Cow $526.17
Youth Big Game (Elk, Deer, or Antelope) $107.43

Can a non resident buy an over the counter elk tag in Colorado?

Residents and Non-residents can buy Elk Licenses Over-the-Counter (OTC) in many GMUs in Colorado (Table 1). There are two OTC archery hunts, an Either-Sex and an Antlerless hunt (same dates) and three OTC rifle seasons; 2nd Rifle Season, 3rd Rifle Season and a Plains Rifle Season in eastern Colorado.