Cover page of the report

The title page of the report is the face of all your work, so you need to pay special attention to it. Moreover, they see him first when they pick up your work, and if it is incorrectly designed, it immediately catches your eye.

What is the title page of the report for?

The main task of the title page is to convey information to the reader on the following points:

  • information about the topic of the study and the subject on which the report is being written;
  • information about the faculty and the department within which the work was performed;
  • information about who wrote the work and its leaders;
  • information about the institution itself,
  • information about the place and year of completion of this work.

In addition to the data listed above, there should not be any other information on the title page, since it will be considered superfluous and for this, even, the rating for all the work can be lowered.

Rules for designing the title page of the report

The whole report should be drawn up on A4 sheets of fluent color. At the very top in the middle you should indicate the full (without abbreviations) name of your educational institution.

Having retreated 3-4 lines, in the center write: REPORT (in capital letters).

On the next line is the name of the discipline in which this work is written. Further, the line below, we write – On the topic: “…” (the topic is in quotation marks).

After retreating another 2 lines, on the right side, we indicate our educational position (student, student), put a colon and indicate our full name (full name, first name and middle name – initials).

On the next line we write: The teacher, his academic degree, last name and initials.

At the very bottom of the sheet, in the middle, write the city, and the line below (also in the center) is the year the work was completed.

Indentation and title page frame sizes

Fields of the report: left margin – 3 centimeters, right margin – 1.5 centimeters, upper margin – 2 centimeters, lower margin – 2 centimeters;

Alignment must be performed in the center, except for the executor (that is, you) and the teacher;

  • Font for text “Times New Roman”;
  • Font color – black;
  • Font size – 12-14;
  • Interval – single
  • The subject of the work is highlighted in bold or in capital letters.

Additional and important information on the title page of the report

You should not come up with a long topic title for your report, as this, firstly, will take up a lot of space on the title page, and secondly, it will mean a commission, because the title should convey only the most important idea. And the disclosure of the topic should only be inside the work itself.

Scientists are very sensitive to their rank and their scientific degree. Therefore, do not forget to clarify these data at the department or your supervisor and insert them in the title page, otherwise you risk offending your scientific mentor.

If for some reason you can’t do the design of the title page yourself, you can download a ready-made template from the Internet. Here it is only worth paying attention to the fact that it was of the year when you write the work and meet the standards.

Also, it is worth clarifying at your department whether they have any special requirements for the design of the title page. It often happens that educational institutions put forward their requirements for some parameters.