Did Ippo win against Sawamura?
In the fifth round, Sawamura brutally beat Ippo throughout the round while Ippo was unable to land a single hit.
Who did Ippo lost to?
His only losses are to Eiji Date in his first attempt to challenge for the Japanese Featherweight title, his first Mexican opponent in the professional ring Alfredo Gonzales who was ranked #2 in the WBC at the time, and Filipino Featherweight Champion Antonio Guevara after making a 10-month comeback.
Who beats Ippo?
Antonio Guevara
Antonio Guevara (アントニオ・ゲバラ, Antonio Gebara) is a professional boxer from the Philippines and the Filipino featherweight champion. He is the third man and last to have defeated Makunouchi Ippo.
Who won Miyata vs Mashiba?
The two boxers had multiple in-fighting sessions, which Miyata won due to him training to beat Ippo’s in-fighting skills. While Miyata seemed to be winning, Mashiba purposely stepped on Miyata’s foot, making Miyata have a huge disadvantage. Miyata then fell after taking a brutal beating.
Why did Miyata lose to Mashiba?
Due to Mashiba stepping on Miyata’s foot, Miyata is unable to do footwork nor put weight into his counter.
Is Ippo’s father alive?
Trivia. In the flashback, it is mentioned that Hiroko was 26 years old when Kazuo died. (According the the promotion site, Hiroko was born on November 12, 1949.) So, Kazuo died in 1975, when Ippo was about 3 years old, since he was born on 11/23/1972.
Does Ippo become a world champion?
He became a world champion at the early age of 21, and as time passed he started to be known as the one who takes everything from those who challenge him, he made most who fought him retire, in another way he’s the devil, “El Diablo”.
What happened to Ryūhei Sawamura?
Ryūhei Sawamura (沢村 竜平, Sawamura Ryūhei) is a former featherweight and junior lightweight professional boxer. As a junior lightweight, he became the short-reigned JBC junior lightweight champion before retiring from boxing due to a motorcycle accident he had after the title match.
How did Shinsuke Sawamura lose to Ippo?
Sawamura losing against Ippo. In the seventh round, Sawamura was repeatedly attacked and unable to foul and trip Ippo as he dodged Sawamura’s foot. As Ippo’s Dempsey Roll was motioned, Sawamura attempted to counter it but Ippo stopped the motion. Sawamura stopped his motion to counter as well, as Ippo continued his motion.
How did Sawamura become a professional boxer?
A few years later, his teacher introduced him to boxing, sending him to a friend of his, who was the coach of the Nagoya Oniyaritome Boxing Gym. Sawamura became by time a natural violent professional boxer with a tendency to foul when there was reason. He also became a construction worker.
What did Sawamura say to Kawabe after beating Kamogawa?
When the Kamogawa gym accepted the challenge, Sawamura told Kawabe and thanked him for introducing him to the sport that let him beat eleven fighters while being praised for it. He also expressed his satisfaction of hitting his opponents with counters and wondered what the champion will taste like.