Dissertation abstract

Dissertation abstract is a brief description of the thesis. Translated from the Latin word “abstract” means “note”. Those. This is a small note on the dissertation, written in a concise form. It is written for members of the attestation commission so that they can quickly read it and understand what your dissertation is about. It may be in the form of a completed dissertation supplement, or it may be the first sheet of a handout to a dissertation. It seems to me that the second option is more convenient, since you will not have to wait until all the commission members take turns reading your abstract.

Abstract structure

It should be remembered that this is a brief description, so stretch the whole page or no longer follows. Your note should be written in 1-2 paragraphs, not more, and consist of 130-150 words. Teachers should very quickly, in 1-2 minutes familiarize themselves with the dissertation.

The abstract should reflect the characteristics of the thesis in terms of:

  • Its meanings
  • Content
  • Forms and methods
  • Problems

The composition of the abstract is approximately as follows:

  • The name of the thesis and the name of the student
  • The main provisions of the thesis (based on the goals and objectives)
  • The hypothesis and problems of the dissertation
  • Dissertation structure
  • Enumeration of the number of pages, figures, graphs and the number of sources and pages in the graduation project.

Phrases that help in writing abstracts

Because Dissertation abstract should be as brief as possible, it is necessary to make the most concise sentences. The following phrases will help you with this:

  • The dissertation is investigated …
  • The dissertation is considered …
  • The dissertation characterizes …
  • Thesis is dedicated to …
  • A great place in the dissertation is given …
  • Described in detail …
  • The thesis describes the theory …
  • Etc.

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