Do you mean by removing?

Do you mean by removing?

to move or shift to another place or position; transfer: She removed the painting to another wall. to put out; send away: to remove a tenant. to dismiss or force from a position or office; discharge: They removed him for embezzling. to take away, withdraw, or eliminate: to remove the threat of danger.

What is the similar meaning of remove?

peel (off), put off, shrug off, take off.

What do you mean by kept?

simple past tense and past participle of keep. adjective. having the expression of principles, ideas, etc., controlled, dominated, or determined by one whose money provides support: a kept press; a kept writer.

What is the root word for remove?

early 14c., remouven, remuvien, remēven, “take (something) away; dismiss” from an office, post or situation; from Old French removoir “move, stir; leave, depart; take away,” from Latin removere “move back or away, take away, put out of view, subtract,” from re- “back, away” (see re-) + movere “to move” (from PIE root * …

Is removed in a sentence?

The rioters were forcibly removed from the plaza. 3. He had a blood clot removed from his brain. 4.

What is the root word of remove?

What does the term kept woman mean?

Definition of kept woman : a woman who is kept as a lover by someone.

What is a kept man?

Definition of kept man : a man who is kept as a lover by someone.

What is the adjective of remove?

(noun) removal remover (adjective) removable (verb) remove.

What kind of verb is removing?

transitive verb To cause to leave a person or thing; to cause to cease to be; to take away; hence, to banish; to destroy; to put an end to; to kill. transitive verb To dismiss or discharge from office. noun The act of removing; a removal.

How do you use removed?

Removed sentence example. They’d all removed their masks. Cassie removed her hat and fanned her face.

Is removed has been removed?

“was removed” refers to something in the past. “has been removed” is presented as information about an event supposed to be new for the reader. It is perfect for news.

What is the legal definition of marriage in law?

Legal Definition of marriage. 1 : the state of being united to a person as spouse in a legal, consensual, and contractual relationship recognized and sanctioned by and dissolvable only by law — see also divorce ,Obergefell v. Hodges — compare civil union.

What happens when you get married for no reason?

Entering into a marriage changes the legal status of both parties and gives both husband and wife new rights and obligations. One power that the states do not have, however, is that of prohibiting marriage in the absence of a valid reason. For example, in Loving v.

Why is there a controversy over the dictionary definition of gay marriage?

This is not an issue to be resolved by dictionaries. Ultimately, the controversy involves cultural traditions, religious beliefs, legal rulings, and ideas about fairness and basic human rights. The principal point of dispute has to do with marriage between two people of the same sex, often referred to as same-sex marriage or gay marriage.

Is marriage in the eyes of God a legal process?

These verses give position number two (the couple is married in the eyes of God when the couple is legally married) stronger biblical support. The problem, however, with a legal process only is that some governments require couples to go against the laws of God to be legally married.