Helpful Online Study Tools for Exam Preps

With exam time approaching you may be thinking that it would be better to spend as little time as possible on the Internet.

When you step away from social media sites, there is in fact a wealth of resources that can actually save you a lot of time and help organize your studies more effectively.

Here is our pick of 10 online study tools to boost your productivity (and most of them are free!):

Evernote This enables you to have all of your class notes organized and accessible from all of your devices, together with any related material, including websites and images. This means when it is time to study, all your study notes are at hand.

Quizlet with Quizlet, you can create a study set specific to the subject you are studying. Use learning aids such as flashcards, which feature text, images, diagrams and audio; and quizzes on your subject of choice (there are currently over 14 million subjects on the site!).


Similar to Quizlet, Goconqr provides a range of online study tools, such as flashcards, quizzes, flowcharts and study planners.


Mindmup has a host of useful functions, such as a storyboard creator to help you organize your notes, images and ideas into a flowing slide format. Notes and attachments can be added to your documents for easy reference, and it can add images and contextual information to your mind maps, which can then be shared on social media.


Marinaratimer enables you to organize your blocks of study with ease. For example, you can organize a 25-minute block with a five-minute break at the end, and then after you have completed a set amount of blocks, you can set the timer to give you an extended break. Either choose preselected time intervals or customize your own to suit your particular needs and available time.


Grammarly is a grammar checker that ensures everything you write is easy to read and is free from grammatical errors. It does so by highlighting grammatical errors it finds in your copy and offering alternatives to fix those mistakes.


This tool lets you create a bibliography with ease, enabling you to search online and attach references to websites, journal articles, books, blogs, podcasts, and a host of other reference types to support your paper.


Create handy checklists with ease that can be accessed on the go from any mobile device with Internet browsing capability.


Named in homage to the famous author, Ernest Hemingway, this tool is designed to highlight overly dense and complex sentences in your writing and shows how you can change them to reflect a more direct and understated style for which Hemingway renowned.


Trello is an online tool for managing projects and tasks efficiently and effectively. It can be used for anything from personal commotion lists to detailing corporate restructuring plans and everything in between.