How big does a jewel cichlid get?

How big does a jewel cichlid get?

Jewel cichlids are native to Africa. Within West Africa, Hemichromis species are found in creeks, streams, rivers and lakes with a variety of water qualities including brackish water lagoons. Maximum size reported for the different species of Hemichromis ranges from 6.5 to 26.5 cm (2.5–10.5 in) in total length.

How big do turquoise jewel cichlids get?

The average Jewel cichlid size is usually no more than 6 inches when in captivity. However, in the wild they can get as long as one foot.

How big do red jewel cichlids grow?

4 inches long
Blood-Red Jewel Cichlid (Hemichromis lifalili) – This is one of the most recognizable jewel cichlid species, known for its dark red coloration with rows of small blue spots. These fish grow up to 4 inches long and they tend to breed fairly easily in the home aquarium.

What fish can I put with jewel cichlids?

Here are the best jewel cichlid tank mates.

  • 1.1 Clown Loaches.
  • 1.2 Giant Danios.
  • 1.3 Plecos.
  • 1.4 Electric Blue Acaras.
  • 1.5 Redtail Shark.
  • 1.6 Synodontis Catfish.
  • 1.7 Rainbowfish.
  • 1.8 Leopard Bushfish.

Can jewel cichlid live alone?

When provided with clean water and food, in theory most cichlids are able to survive alone. However it is best to keep at least a breeding pair or more to allow them to thrive.

Can Oscar fish live with jewel cichlid?

They can also become quite aggressive and territorial if their space is threatened. They are also quite large – they grow to up to 6 inches, which is also similar to the Oscar fish. All these traits make the convict cichlid a good partner for the Oscar fish.

Can jewel cichlids go with African cichlids?

Jewel Cichlid Tank Mates The African Jewelfish doesn’t do very well in a community tank. However, some experienced aquarists have managed to keep the Jewel Cichlid with other types of fish, such as the Tetras. The fish may survive in a tank with a specific breed of fish but no other Cichlids.

Can Oscar fish live with jewel fish?

Based on water parameters, oscars and jewel cichlids can live together. Though jewel cichlids are from Africa, they are from West Africa which has water parameters more similar to where most South and Central American cichlids are found.

Can you have one cichlid?

When provided with clean water and food, in theory most cichlids are able to survive alone. However it is best to keep at least a breeding pair or more to allow them to thrive. The only cichlid that is often kept alone is the Oscar. While possible to keep alone, I would recommend to not keep cichlids solitary.

Are cichlids more aggressive than Oscars?

While Oscars can get enormous and be quite aggressive themselves, the quick moving nature of African Cichlids mean that they are sometimes able to swoop in, attack an Oscar, and get away before the Oscar is able to retaliate. With multiple African Cichlids in a tank they could even take turns attacking the Oscar!

Why is my jewel cichlid turning red?

However, when it wears courting colors the Jewel fish is absolutely beautiful. In breeding season, the head and belly turn a fiery red and the scales on the flanks and gill-plates sparkle like blue-green jewels.

What is a Moanda cichlid?

Hemichromis sp. “moanda” is an undescribed Jewel Cichlid from the Congo Region. This species in the last few years has gained lots of popularity in the hobby. This is most likely attributed to this species outstanding cherry red dorsal color and yellow belly as well as its mild demeanor in comparison to other members of the genus.

What is a jewel cichlid?

The Jewel cichlid (scientific name: Hemichromis bimaculatus) is a popular fish in the cichlid family. These fish originate from west Africa primarily but can be found a bit further east as well. Another common name for them is the African Jewelfish.

What is a Moanda?

Hemichromis sp. “moanda” is an undescribed Jewel Cichlid from the Congo Region. This species in the last few years has gained lots of popularity in the hobby.

What does Hemichromis Moanda mean?

Etymology: Genus- Hemi= half (Greek), chromis= a fish, perhaps a perch (Greek). Species-moanda= named afte the location point Moanda. Intro: Hemichromis sp. “moanda” is an undescribed Jewel Cichlid from the Congo Region. This species in the last few years has gained lots of popularity in the hobby.