How do I access my storage in swtor?

How do I access my storage in swtor?

Open your map, and on the left hand side, change your filter to show Cargo Holds, and it should show you a little ‘key’ icon. That’s your cargo hold. You will also have access to your cargo hold on your ship.

What is cargo hold in swtor?

A cargo hold is a personal storage area located on a character’s starship. Cargo holds can be accessed from a starship or from kiosks located on the fleet and on various planets.

Where is the cargo bay in swtor?

You can purchase a cargo hold deco that matches those that you see around from the Utility Decoration Engineer (Khom Grelt on Rep side, and Necra Phaest on Imp side) located in the Strongholds and Crew Skills section on the fleet for three Universal Prefab MK-2’s. The deco is call “Cargo Bay.

Where is legacy cargo hold?

There is no real location, because the Legacy Cargo Hold was added in with the Galactic Strongholds Mini-expansion. There are Strongholds and portable ones though, as well as the ship unlock. There are three kinds of location: * On your ship if you have the unlock.

Is there a vault in SWTOR?

Summary. Eternity Vault is the first operation in SWTOR and was the only operation available at the game’s launch. It has long been considered the easiest operation in the game.

How do I get my money out of escrow Swtor?

What you can do is buy escrow transfers on your main toon and send them to the alt. This will allow you to take the money out of escrow but you will be unable to send it back due to your other accounts F2P status. The escrow transfers can be bought with either cartel coins or millions of credits (on the GTN).

How do I get storage in stronghold?

If you’re looking to get a Legacy Stronghold Storage, the easiest way to get it is to head to the Galactic Trade Network (GTN) in SWTOR and buy it with credits from another player. You can also buy the full Utility Bundle from the cartel market or GTN, which includes this deco and a few others that match.

What is the black hole Swtor?

The councillor used his shadowy network of organized criminals and pirates to enforce order in the so called “Black Hole”, a dangerous section of the Corellian Labor Valley used to process hypermatter, the key fuel for lightspeed travel.

What is EV Swtor?

The Eternity Vault (“EV”) is an operation located at an ancient prison that has been uncovered on the remote world of Belsavis. It is one of two operations available upon release of Star Wars: The Old Republic, with the other being Karagga’s Palace.