How do I become a math teacher in CT?

How do I become a math teacher in CT?

  1. Complete a Connecticut Approved Pathway to Certification.
  2. Pass the PRAXIS II Examination.
  3. Apply for an Initial Educator Certificate.
  4. Apply for a Provisional and Professional Educator Certificate.
  5. Stay Current on Mathematics Educational Topics and Issues.

How do I get my CT certification?

Exam Eligibility

  1. Earn an ARRT® primary credential in radiography, nuclear medicine, or radiation therapy.
  2. Submit 16 hours of structured education.
  3. Submit documentation of 125 procedures to validate your clinical experience.
  4. Undergo an ethics review, if necessary.

How do I become a certified tutor in CT?

Have completed a bachelor’s degree in any subject area. Have 15 credits in human growth and development (needed prior to certification approval). Meet Connecticut’s Assessment Requirements for Certification, specifically Endorsement #112. Sign up to take the PRAXIS 1 test with ETS.

Can you teach without a certification in CT?

All states require that certified teachers have at least a Bachelor’s degree. In addition, Connecticut candidates must successfully complete a state-approved educator program of general academic and professional education at a regionally accredited college or university.

How hard is the CT Registry exam?

Test takers will have 3 1/2 hours to complete the examination. All scores are scaled in a possible range of 1 to 99, and the minimum passing score is 75. With these things in mind, choose your study material and preparation time wisely to ensure you will be ready for the exam.

What is a Connecticut certificate?

Connecticut uses a tiered system for teacher licensure that encourages ongoing professional development. After the Initial Educator Certificate, teachers can earn a Provisional Educator Certificate by completing the TEAM mentoring program and thirty months of teaching experience.

How much do CT teachers make?

The median teacher salary is around $79,742, and most teacher incomes are on the rise. From 2019 to 2020, CT’s average teacher salaries rose by 5.5 percent. (1) That’s one of the fastest-growing salaries in the nation!

What states accept Connecticut teaching certification?

Connecticut Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

Alabama Kansas New Hampshire
Arizona Kentucky New Jersey
Arkansas Louisiana New Mexico
California Maine New York
Colorado Maryland North Carolina

How long should I study for my CT boards?

All you need is 2 weeks of studying this book for at least 3 hours a day. I would suggest looking at a cross sectional anatomy book as well just to be sure that you’re anatomy is on point. The 3 mock exams in the back of the book and the online practice questions are the only resources you need.

Are CT boards hard?

The CT test is a difficult exam that requires a lot of study and preparation in order to pass.

What are the Common Core state standards in Connecticut?

Common Core State Standards – Effective July 7, 2010, the Connecticut State Board of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English language arts and mathematics ( Common Core State Standards ). These standards establish what Connecticut’s students should know and be able to do as they progress through Grades K-12.

What are the standards for mathematical practice?

The documents feature standards organized in units with key concepts and skills identified, and a suggested pacing guide for the unit. The standards for Mathematical Practice are an integral component of CT Standards (CCSS) and are evident highlighted accordingly in the units.

What is the passing score for the CT administrator test?

TEST COMPANY TEST CODE TEST TITLE PASSING SCORE; Intermediate Administrator or Supervisor (#092) ETS: 6412: Connecticut Administrator Test: 146

What classes do you need to take for a math major?

For the mathematics major or concentration, courses must include study in calculus. For the humanities interdisciplinary major, 18 semester hours of study in language arts/English, and course work in at least 3 areas: literature, philosophy, drama, fine arts, dance, theology or foreign language.