How do I find related tables in SQL Server?

How do I find related tables in SQL Server?

Using SQL Server Management Studio

  1. In Object Explorer, expand Databases, expand a database, and then expand Tables.
  2. Right-click a table, and then click View Dependencies.
  3. In the Object Dependencies dialog box, select either Objects that depend on , or Objects on whichdepends.

How do I search for a column in multiple tables in SQL?

1 Answer

  1. SELECT COL_NAME AS ‘Column_Name’, TAB_NAME AS ‘Table_Name’
  4. ORDER BY Table_Name, Column_Name;

How do I search a whole mysql database for a particular string?

1) Select the database you need to search in from the left panel of GUI. 3) In Table Tools window select “FIND TEXT” tab. 4) Provide your string to search and click “FIND”. 5) It will list all the tables contains our string.

How do I know if full text search is enabled in SQL Server 2016?

Look at the list of services on the machine. If full text search is installed you’ll see a service named SQL Server FullText Search ([instance]) where [instance] will be the name of the SQL instance that it is associated with.

How can you tell if a table is linked in SQL Server?

Apply the latest SQL Server object structure

  1. Right-click the table in the Navigation Pane, and then click Linked Table Manager on the shortcut menu.
  2. Select the check box next to each linked table that you want to update, or click Select All to select all of the linked tables.
  3. Click OK > Close.

How do I find the table name in SQL?

How to Get the names of the table in SQL

  1. Syntax (When we have only single database): Select * from schema_name.table_name.
  2. Syntax (When we have multiple databases): Select * from database_name.schema_name.table_name.
  4. WHERE.
  6. Output:

Can you do multiple froms in SQL?

With SQL, you can get information from columns in more than one table. This operation is called a join operation. In SQL, a join operation is specified by placing the names of those tables that you want to join in the same FROM clause of a SELECT statement.

Can you select multiple tables in SQL?

In SQL we can retrieve data from multiple tables also by using SELECT with multiple tables which actually results in CROSS JOIN of all the tables.

How do I find a table in SQL Server?

– One row represents one object – Scope of rows: all objects that are using provided table/view – Ordered by found object schema name and name

How to get all tables relation from SQL Server?

– One row represents one table in a database – Scope of rows: all tables in a database – Ordered by number of relationships (foreing keys and references) from the ones with the most

How can I see all tables in SQL?

– Show all tables owned by the current user: SELECT. table_name. FROM. user_tables; – Show all tables in the current database: SELECT. table_name. FROM. dba_tables; – Show all tables that are accessible by the current user:

How to compare tables in SQL Server?

– Tables must have matching column names that have compatible data types. Names of tables, views, and owners are case-sensitive. – Tables must have the same primary key, unique index, or unique constraint. – Views must have the same unique, clustered index. – You can compare a table with a view only if they have the same name.