How do I get out of the mansion in Resident Evil?

How do I get out of the mansion in Resident Evil?

Place the Emblem inside the statue (the wooden one, not the golden), causing the door to open and granting you an exit. Leave the Bar afterwards and re-enter the Dining Room (by opening the door in front of the hallway you were previously in).

Can you drop items Resident Evil 1?

The difficulty in Resident Evil HD Remaster is that you can’t drop items anywhere. The only way to drop items is at item boxes you’ll find in certain save rooms around the map. Item boxes are large black containers that sitin the corner of several safe rooms in the game.

Where can I find plant 42?

Plant 42 controls more than 5,800 acres (23 km2) of Mojave Desert land north of Avenue P and south of Columbia Way (Avenue M).

How do I get my re1 dog collar?

Location. As suggested by John Toleman in the Crumpled Memo file, the Collar is retrieved from a dog on the Mansion’s West terrace.

What’s the wooden mount for in Resident Evil?

It is used to create a map of the Spencer Mansion’s second floor. This is accomplished by setting the wooden mount above the fireplace in the 2F east lounge and lighting the fire.

What is the fuel canteen used for in Resident Evil?

store kerosene
Function. The Fuel Canteen used to store kerosene. The Lighter is required to use the canteen. It can be refilled in the tanks of kerosene the employees left around the Spencer Mansion.

How do you stop the waterfall in Resident Evil?

Resident Evil

  1. Lower the water level. (
  2. Go downstairs via the path you used to enter the Residence area before.
  3. Look around in the “waterfall” area and look for the 2nd lift, use the battery here.
  4. Use this “new” elevator to go back to the crank and rise up the water level again, which will stop the waterfall.

Does Resident Evil 1 have item boxes?

Introduced in the first Resident Evil, Item boxes are usually found in safe rooms along with Typewriters. Characters can only carry a small number of items at any given time, which makes inventory space valuable.

How do you get J Volt in Resident Evil?

Add Yellow-6 to a bottle and combine with the NP-004 to make UMB-10. Add Yellow-6 to another bottle, and combine it with a water bottle to make UMB-7. Combine the UMB-10 and UMB-7 to make VP-017. Finally, fill another bottle with UMB-3 and combine it with VP-017 to make V-Jolt.