How do I get the last Mohan Ghale Journal?
Beat the Free Willis mission, go to the northwest end of the airfield and into an office in the warehouse. Clear the outpost, then go into the safe house to find the journal on a dresser. Grapple at x:362 y:689 and go left. Follow the path and grapple if necessary.
How do I get Mohan Ghale’s Journal at the airport?
Location: At the Kyrat International Airport, go to the north western edge of the airfield and inside the warehouse. Go to the office and look around for the journal. You can go there directly after Free Willis mission. Location: On the coordinates provided you will find a safe house in the Khilana Bazaar.
Can Ajay take over Kyrat?
It can thus be inferred that if Ajay goes through with the option of killing the surviving Golden Path leader he sided with after the main campaign is finished, he will in effect be in a position to become ruler of Kyrat.
Can you go back to Pagan Min’s Palace?
Shoot Pagan Min in the chopper After completing the game, you can go back to place where the helicopter crashed. To do that, head to the Royal Palace.
Where is the Ghale homestead in Far Cry?
Location. Ghale Homestead is a location within Kyrat in Far Cry 4. It is located in Southern Kyrat, close to the King’s Bridge border. The Ghale Homestead is the former home of Mohan Ghale and was abandoned since Ishwari Ghale fled Kyrat with Ajay after his death.
Is Sabal or Amita better?
IAmita is more focusing on economics and Sabal on saving the culture of Kyrat. If you side with Sabal I’m not sure, but if you decide to side with Amita you end up recovering some intel that seems not importat at first, but that is later used to prevent a major attack from the enemy. Balance of power M1: Chose Sabal.
Who is Mohan Ghale Far Cry 4?
Mohan Ghale is a character who appears in Far Cry 4. He is Ajay Ghale’s father and the founder of the Golden Path. His journal is scattered across Kyrat for decades and eventually collected by Ajay.
How many journals are there in Far Cry 4?
All 20 Journals in Far Cry 4, complete with exact coordinates and locations. Far Cry 4 contains several mysteries, chief among them the fate of Ajay Ghale’s father, Mohan. We know he founded the revolution in the hostile country of Kyrat, otherwise known as the Golden Path.
Is Mohan Ghale an agitator of peace?
” The Ministry of Social Harmony has deemed Mohan Ghale an official agitator of the peace. Ghale founded the treacherous Golden Path and actively sought to assassinate our beloved leader, Pagan Min. ” Mohan Ghale is a character who appears in Far Cry 4. He is Ajay Ghale’s father and the founder of the Golden Path.
Where are Mohan Ghale’s journals in Fortnite?
Thankfully, Mohan Ghale’s Journals are among the hundreds of collectibles you’ll find in the game, and there are 20 spread across a humongous area. It would take weeks finding them all, but we’ll tell you where each one is with exact coordinates.