How do you cite APA website in APA?

How do you cite APA website in APA?

APA website citations usually include the author, the publication date, the title of the page or article, the website name, and the URL. If there is no author, start the citation with the title of the article. If the page is likely to change over time, add a retrieval date.

Can you cite a website in APA in text?

Cite web pages in text as you would any other source, using the author and date if known. Keep in mind that the author may be an organization rather than a person. For sources with no author, use the title in place of an author. For sources with no date use n.d. (for no date) in place of the year: (Smith, n.d.).

What does a website citation look like?

The format for citing an article from an online newspaper, magazine, or blog is the same as a general web page citation….Citing online articles.

Format Author last name, First name. “Title of Article.” Website Name, Day Month Year, URL.
In-text citation (Smith)

How do you cite an organization website?

MLA format Organization Name. “Page Title.” Website Name, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.

How do you create a citation in APA format?

Even though every table and figure is numbered,also create a title for each that describes the information it contains.

  • For tables,do not use any vertical lines,only use horizontal to break up information and headings.
  • Single spacing is acceptable to use in tables and figures.
  • Do not include extra information or “fluff.” Keep it simple!
  • How do you cite legislation in APA format?

    name of the act

  • title,source (check the Bluebook for abbreviations),and section number of the statute;
  • the publication date of the compilation you used to find the statute,in parentheses
  • URL (optional)
  • How to cite a professional organization in APA?

    – Parenthetical vs. narrative citation. – Multiple authors and corporate authors. The in-text citation changes slightly when a source has multiple authors or an organization as an author. – Missing information. When the author, publication date or locator is unknown, take the steps outlined below.

    How to format a summary using APA style?

    Understand what your instructor expects from this assignment.

  • The citation for the article has to be in APA style (unless your instructor tells you otherwise).
  • When summarizing the article do not do write what is in the abstract,even if you change your words around.