How do you get all three starter Pokemon in X and Y?
Here is the TL;DR list:
- Choose either Froakie or Chespin.
- Connect online, reboot your game and claim Torchic through the Mystery Gift.
- Beat the first Gym leader and go to the next town.
- Defeat Professor Sycamore and choose either Squirtle (if you chose Chespin) or Bulbasaur (if you chose Froakie)
Which is best starter in Pokemon X?
Fennekin comes out on top, if barely; the blending of Fire/Psychic with enough Special Attack to frighten so many foes cannot be ignored.
Can you get Charmander in Pokemon Y?
You’ll Get Bulbasaur, Charmander And Squirtle In Pokémon X And Pokémon Y. In most Pokémon RPGs, you get your starter Pokémon from the game’s Pokémon Professor.
What does XY stand for in Pokemon?
Japanese: Next. Wild Blaze. Pokémon TCG: XY (Japanese: コレクションX Collection X and コレクションY Collection Y) is the name given to the first main expansion of cards from the XY Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game (the XY Era in Japan). The set is the first to feature Generation VI Pokémon in the card game.
Can you breed Starter Pokemon?
Keep at it for long enough, and you’ll likely get lucky and obtain more Pokémon for your PokeDex, including the starters. And if you get one of the evolutions of the three starters, you can breed them with another Pokémon in their Egg Group (if they’re a female) or a Ditto (if they’re a male) to get their base forms.
What is the best way to get a starter Pokemon?
Friend Safari can give you the 1st evolution of a starter if you are lucky with who you add as a friend. Wonder Trading can result in one of the Pokemon you are looking for, but it requires lots of luck, and lots of attempts. Using the GTS is an easy way.
How do you get Kantos starter Pokemon?
A good way to get Pokemon like the Kantos starters is:First you will need to have the HM Surf and Waterfall i guess and then go to Route 22 Surf on the river and go down the waterfalluse the Old Rod on the river you will aways have Magikarp capture as many as possible and trade them by Wonder Trade and enjoy! Highly active question.
How do you get the first evolution of a Pokemon?
– NOTE: You need a spare Pokemon to trade for it, but you should have one. Friend Safari can give you the 1st evolution of a starter if you are lucky with who you add as a friend. Wonder Trading can result in one of the Pokemon you are looking for, but it requires lots of luck, and lots of attempts.
How do you get more than one starter?
You can trade and earn another starter – in my case Fennekin – after you beat the game (win with Elite Four) from one of your friends when you go out from home. This might be connected with beeing nice to your friends all game and choosing “nice” dialogue options.