How do you make a 4 bit synchronous counter?

How do you make a 4 bit synchronous counter?

Slight changes in AND section, and using the inverted output from J-K flip-flop, we can create Synchronous Down Counter. A 4-bit Synchronous down counter start to count from 15 (1111 in binary) and decrement or count downwards to 0 or 0000 and after that it will start a new counting cycle by getting reset.

How do you write 4 bit in Verilog?

The 4-bit counter starts incrementing from 4’b0000 to 4’h1111 and come back to 4’b0000. It will keep counting as long as it is provided with a running clock, and reset is held high. The rollover happens when the most significant bit of the final addition gets discarded.

What is 4 bit up down counter?

The SN74HC193 device is a 4-bit synchronous, reversible, up/down binary counter. Synchronous operation is provided by having all flip-flops clocked simultaneously so that the outputs change simultaneously with each other when dictated by the steering logic.

What is a 4-bit synchronous counter?

4- Bit Synchronous Up Counter An external CLK signal is given to all four flip-flops in parallel. This counter includes 16 output states where it counts from 0000 to 1111. As compared to 3-bit, the timing diagram of this counter & its operation is also the same.

Is for loop synthesizable in Verilog?

Verilog for-loops are perfectly synthesizable under certain conditions:

  • You can use any procedural statement within a loop (e.g. if-else).
  • The number of loops must be predetermined.
  • You can assign a different value to the same variable in each loops (e.g. calculating an index from the loop variable).

What is an up down counter?

Bidirectional counters, also known as Up/Down counters, are capable of counting in either direction through any given count sequence and they can be reversed at any point within their count sequence by using an additional control input as shown below.

What is an up/down counter in Verilog Anan?

An up/down counter is a digital counter which can be set to count either from 0 to MAX_VALUE or MAX_VALUE to 0. The direction of the count (mode) is selected using a single bit input. In this post, I have shared the Verilog code for a 4 bit up/down counter. The module has 3 inputs – Clk, reset which is active high and a UpOrDown mode input.

How to select the direction of the count (mode) using Verilog code?

The direction of the count (mode) is selected using a single bit input. In this post, I have shared the Verilog code for a 4 bit up/down counter. The module has 3 inputs – Clk, reset which is active high and a UpOrDown mode input.

What is the 4-bit output of the module counter?

There is a 4-bit output called out which essentially provides the counter values. The module counter has a clock and active-low reset (denoted by n) as inputs and the counter value as a 4-bit output. The always block is always executed whenever the clock transitions from 0 to 1 which signifies a rising edge or a positive edge.

What is an up/down counter?

An up/down counter is a digital counter which can be set to count either from 0 to MAX_VALUE or MAX_VALUE to 0. The direction of the count (mode) is selected using a single bit input.