How do you say love in 100 different languages?

How do you say love in 100 different languages?

“I Love You” in 100 different languages.

  1. Afrikaans – Ek het jou lief.
  2. Albanian – Te dua.
  3. Arabic – Ana behibek أحبك
  4. Armenian – Yes kez sirumem Ես քեզ սիրում եմ
  5. Bengali – Ami tomake bhalobashi (pronounced: Amee toe-ma-kee bhalo-bashee) আমিতোমায়ভালোবাসি
  6. Belarusian – Ya tabe kahayu Я люблю цябе

How do you say I love you in all different languages?

Learning how to say “I love you” in another language is not always as simple as translating the phrase and practicing its pronunciation….How to say “I love you” in other languages.

Language “I love you”
French Je t’aime
German Ich liebe dich
Greek Σ’αγαπώ
Hungarian Szeretlek

How do you say love in 15 different languages?

How to Say “I Love You” in 15 Different Languages

  1. Je t’aime. Language: French.
  2. Te amo. Language: Spanish.
  3. Ich liebe Dich. Language: German.
  4. 我爱你 (Wo ai ni) Language: Mandarin Chinese.
  5. 愛してる (Aishiteru) Language: Japanese.
  6. 사랑해 (Saranghae)
  7. ٲنَا بحِبَّك (Ana bahebak)
  8. मैं तुमसे प्यार करता हुँ (Main tumse pyar kartha hoon)

What is the meaning of Mio Amore?

my love/
English translation:my love/my darling.

What is te amo?

This phrase translates to, “I love you.” This is not something you’d say to a long-time friend or a 2nd cousin. Saying te amo is much more romantic and affectionate, and should be reserved for serious relationships and immediate family members.

What is the meaning of Ti Amo?

“I love you
Te amo means “I love you” in Spanish and Portuguese.

What are 5 ways to say I love you?

Classic ways to say “I love you“

  • I love you. Sweet, simple and easy to remember.
  • I’m in love with you. This phrase is a bit more intense than the simple, “I love you”.
  • You’re the love of my life.
  • I love you to the moon and back.
  • I’m crazy about you.
  • I’m head over heels for you.
  • You’re my other half.
  • I will always love you.

What are the 10 ways to say I love you?

Is amore French?

The word amore is Italian, which means ‘love’ in English. Similarly, amour is a French word with the same meaning.

What do you call an Italian boyfriend?

“Boyfriend” in Italian and “Girlfriend” in Italian: Ragazzo and Ragazza. There are two main ways to say “girlfriend” and “boyfriend” in Italian: ragazzo/a or fidanzato/a.

How to say ‘I Love You’ in different languages?

So here it is, after hours upon hours of searching and research, this is how to say I love you in different languages – to be exact the 100 most spoken languages in the world! Here are the languages in order of how many people speak them, how you say ‘I love you,’ and where it is spoken: 1. Mandarin: Wǒ ài nǐ 2. Spanish: te amo, te quiero 3.

How do you say I Love you in 100 languages?

How to Say I Love You in 100 of the World’s Most Spoken Languages 1. Mandarin: Wǒ ài nǐ Where it’s spoken: China, Taiwan, Singapore 2. Spanish: te amo, te quiero Where it’s spoken: Hispanic America, Spain, United States, Equatorial Guinea, Western… 3. English: I love you Where it’s spoken:

How do you say I Love you in German?

For example, to tell someone you love for them more in an ‘I care for you’ kind of way, you would use ‘Ich habe dich gerne’. Next is ‘Ich hab dich lieb’, which is kind of like, ‘I have love for you’ and is used for friends and family. Between lovers, ‘I love you is’ expressed as ‘Ich liebe dich.’ 11. German: ich liebe dich 12.

How do you say I Love you in Japanese?

So whether you’re telling someone je t’aime, wo ai ni, nakupenda, or I love you, you can say it in 100 different ways today. And of course, there’s always the good old fashioned hug and kiss, though that can vary widely from region to region too!