How do you use the thermal scanner in GTA 5?

How do you use the thermal scanner in GTA 5?

To activate thermal vision, press the Right Button on the D-pad for consoles or the ”E” key on PC. Additionally, the Quad Lens Combat Helmets (the Smuggler’s Run update) have thermal vision as well.

How do you capture Glenn Scoville in GTA 5?

  1. Take the cable car system next to Mount Chiliad that will take you up to the mountain.
  2. Once off the cable car, head to the right of the mountain and towards the edges.
  3. He is located to the right of the sign marking the turn for Bell’s End along with a cameraman, who is about to film Scoville’s base jump.

How do you get thermal vision?

Thermal vision can now be bought and used in Free Mode using the Thermal Scope on the Heavy Sniper Mk II (which can be toggled on and off with the weapon accessory key), as well as part of the Quad Lens Combat Helmets included with the Smuggler’s Run update (which is toggled via the interaction menu, similarly to the …

Where does the Z type go in GTA 5?

Franklin drives the Z-Type to a hanger in the Los Santos International Airport where Weston and Molly Schultz are waiting. Once there, Weston admires the car and remarks that only ten of them exist in the world.

How do I start Caida Libre?

When the mission begins, get into your vehicle and drive up to the waypoint at the observatory. The van with the special weapon is located just near the grassy area. Get into the van to start the sniping sequence. The airplane will fly by on the horizon, so zoom in as close as possible to see the RED target reticle.

Where is the night vision goggles in GTA 5?

Night Vision’s locations map The goggles only spawn after completing the mission Breaking the Bank at Caligula’s.

  • East Los Santos, Los Santos – Inside Big Smoke’s Crack Den, in the warehouse area.
  • Mulholland, Los Santos – Inside Madd Dogg’s Crib, towards the kitchen behind the stairs that lead to the bedrooms.

Where do you get thermal goggles in GTA 5?


  1. Mulholland, Los Santos – Inside Madd Dogg’s Crib, in a room near the studio, beside some speakers.
  2. Garcia, San Fierro – Inside Zero RC.
  3. The Big Ear, Bone County – Around the base of the satellite dish, usually beside a Sandking.
  4. Area 69, Bone County – Inside a control room (Instant 5-star wanted level).