How do you write an IB literature essay?

How do you write an IB literature essay?

Table of Contents

  1. Consider the Source you Wish to Write About.
  2. Decide on your Topic by Brainstorming Wider Themes.
  3. Consolidate your Line of Argument in a Thesis Statement.
  4. Identify the Strongest Evidence for your Argument.
  5. Plan, Structure, and Research.
  6. Write a First Draft with Citations.
  7. Edit.
  8. Re-write if Necessary.

What is IB world literature?

World Literature Authors. The IBO aims to vary its literature globally, thus the name “World Literature”. Basically, the idea behind World Lit is to become culturally aware, and immerse yourself in writing of a different social /cultural/geopolitical background.

What is world literature in essay?

Currently, world literature is regarded as a general term used to describe the entirety of global literature/the circulation of literary materials into all parts o the world, regardless of their origins.

What is the HL essay out of?

The HL Essay is a 1200-1500 word formal essay and it is based on a literary work studied as part of the course. You cannot use the same work for the IO or the Paper 2 for this essay. In the IB Language and Literature course, the essay can also be based on a non-literary or collection of non literary text(s).

What is HL essay worth?

Overview: Over the summer, you will write your HL essay which you will submit to IB for external grading and assessment. For IB it is worth 20% of your total overall IB score.

Is IB literature hard?

I took IB English A Literature as a part of my IB diploma. Generally speaking, English Literature is considered the harder class compared to Language and Literature.

How will you describe world literature?

World literature is used to refer to the total of the world’s national literature and the circulation of works into the wider world beyond their country of origin.

What is international literature?

International literature, according to USBBY (United States Board on Books for Young People, the U.S. section of IBBY–International Board on Books for Young People) defines “international literature” as “a book published or distributed in the United States that originated or was first published in a country other than …

How long can the HL essay be?

1200-1500 word
The HL essay is a component that requires candidates to write a 1200-1500 word formal essay, following a line of inquiry of their own choice into one of the texts studied.