How high should violin strings be above the fingerboard?

How high should violin strings be above the fingerboard?

Lay your instrument flat with the bass side toward you and place the ruler against the inside of the upper string half a centimeter in from the end of the fingerboard. The proper measurement at the middle of the upper string is 3.5 mm for a violin, 4.5 for a viola, and 5.5 for a cello.

Are my violin strings too high?

Ways to check the bridge and nut height have been mentioned. To check fingerboard scoop, press down the string near the end of the fingerboard util it just touches. The string will be a good straght-edge to see how the fingerboard curves; if there’s more than a string diameter clearance, I’d say that’s too much.

How high should the bridge be on a violin?

The standard full-size violin bridge is 33 mm high (1.3 in), corresponding with the fingerboard height of 18-20 mm (0.71-0.79 in). The perfect height of the bridge allows the strings to vibrate at the best rate to create a beautiful violin sound.

Why does a violinist press the string against the fingerboard?

By pressing a string against the fingerboard, the player varies the length of its vibrating portion and so changes its pitch. The vibrations are stopped at a certain point along the string’s length.

Can violin strings be too tight?

Yes, you have to get the string to the right tension to be in tune. But you do it gently, ‘cos violin strings are at pretty high tension anyway. And if you tighten a string without slackening it first, you’re more likely to jerk and snap it.

How far apart should violin strings be?

These measurements are for a full-size violin: The string distance on the bridge should be between 33 to 33.5 mm from the center of G-string to the center of E-string, with equal spacing between all strings.

How high should strings be on fretboard?

For electric guitars, in our opinion, a good default string height at the 12th fret is typically about 6/64th of an inch (2.38mm) on the bass side and 4/64th of an inch (1.59mm) on the treble side.

How do you reduce the distance between a string and a fretboard?

Use the truss rod wrench that came with your guitar or purchase one at a guitar store or online. Fit the wrench around the end of the truss rod and turn it clockwise a quarter turn to tighten it. This will reduce the bend in the neck and bring the strings closer to the neck in between the frets you’re holding down.

How high should the strings be from the fretboard?

Which side of a violin bridge is higher?

A violin bridge is a small piece of wood. The bottom of the bridge is usually a straight line, while the top is arched slightly. When you’re examining your bridge, you’ll notice one side of the arch is slightly higher than the other. The lower side is the e-string side, and the taller side is the g-string side.

Do violins improve with age?

It depends on two things: the quality of the violin, and the quality of the playing that is occurring on the violin. I’ve spoken before about teaching a violin: a good violin will “open up” over time, but you’ll improve its voice most by playing it frequently, playing it in tune, making the wood vibrate, etc.

Why do violin players shake their hands?

It is a wavering effect of tone obtained by rapidly shaking the string that the finger is stopping, notes the Schirmer Pocket Manual of Musical Terms. The technique is used on notes of longer duration—notes of shorter duration usually are played without vibrato.

How do I choose the right string height for my violin?

Finding the right string height or action for your violin can be a delicate process: a balancing act between the standard measurements that are used by luthiers, the unique characteristics of the violin in question, the strings being used, and the particular tastes of the musician.

Is planing your violin fingerboard worth it?

Planing the fingerboard is the nastiest job in taking care of a violin, but if anything makes it worth it, it’s seeing that look of surprised joy when the owner plays a few clear notes on that freshly planed fingerboard and hearing the inevitable, “Wow!” The action is one of those small things that can make a huge difference in the way you play.

Does the scoop of the fingerboard affect string height?

The scoop of the fingerboard is only one factor influencing string height however. The height and shape of the bridge as well as the correct tension on the strings need to be considered in setting a string height that is uniform across the whole fingerboard. But why is string height so important for the sound of an instrument?

What happens when a violin string is too high?

By the time this busy player—he was first violinist in a major quartet—noticed the effect of the resulting too-high E string, it was too late: he’d sustained permanent nerve damage in his little finger. The difference in height? Less than a millimeter. The string height is often the very first thing that the repair staff will check.