How is vertical illuminance measured?
When measuring vertical illuminance, the density of luminous flux incident upon a vertical surface, the illuminance meter is held flat against the vertical plane. The vertical surface may be a wall, computer monitor, chalkboard, etc.
What is horizontal illuminance?
Horizontal Illuminace is the amount of light falling on a horizontal activity plane (also called workplane). In the conference room below, the horizontal activity plane was located at 27″. The images show horizontal illuminance levels generated for the space at that height.
What is vertical illuminance?
Vertical Illuminace is the amount of light falling on a vertical surface or plane. In the conference room below, the projection screen surface was chosen as the verical surface. The images show the vertical illuminance levels due to the electric light on the screen.
What is perpendicular illuminance?
Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive): The vertical light hitting a horizontal surface. The difference to the “Perpendicular illuminance” is that here the number of measuring points is automatically determined on the basis of the minimum and maximum values.
How many footcandles do plants need?
Medium-light plants Medium light intensity plants prefer 250 to 1,000 foot-candles. Best growth occurs above 750 foot-candles unless plants also receive extended periods of direct sunlight. Give them artificial light in the 500 to 1,000 foot-candle range, or 15 or more watts per square foot of growing area.
How do I find my illuminance?
Illuminance is the Luminous Flux per unit area of incident radiation away from the light source. (unit:Lux,lx) Illuminance can be considered the Flux within one square meter. lx = lm/ m2.
What do you understand by illuminance?
1 : the action of supplying or brightening with light or the resulting state. 2 : the luminous flux per unit area on an intercepting surface at any given point. — called also illuminance. Other Words from illumination.
What is the difference between horizontal and perpendicular illuminance?
Perpendicular illuminance (Adaptive): The vertical light hitting a horizontal surface. The difference to the “Perpendicular illuminance” is that here the number of measuring points is automatically determined on the basis of the minimum and maximum values. This makes the calculation more accurate.
What is illuminance meter?
Illuminance meter products are single element detectors that measure photometric brightness falling upon a surface. It is measured in footcandles or in lux. The Konica Minolta illuminance meters measure the amount of light that strikes a surface.
What is a Konica Minolta illuminance meter?
The Konica Minolta illuminance meters measure the amount of light that strikes a surface. These instruments display illuminance in either lux or foot-candles and they are lightweight, compact and portable. When you need to evaluate the illumination of light hit…
What is illuminance and how is It measured?
It is measured in footcandles or in lux. The Konica Minolta illuminance meters measure the amount of light that strikes a surface. These instruments display illuminance in either lux or foot-candles and they are lightweight, compact and portable. When you need to evaluate the illumination of light hit…
Why is my illuminance meter not collecting the correct amount of light?
However, due to total integration of the sensor into the detector head or the illuminance meter itself, many illuminance meters do not naturally collect light correctly according to the cosine law. Cosine correction feature is included in the illuminance meter by means of a cosine diffuser which is placed over the sensor and filter.