How long is Air Force school Jag?
After completing Officer Training School (OTS), you will begin the Judge Advocate Staff Officer Course (JASOC), also at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. This is a nine-week course where you will be trained on Air Force legal practice.
Is it hard to get into JAG Corps?
Depending on the service branch, the acceptance rate for JAG Corps applicants is typically between 4-7%. The Army, for instance, receives about 4000 applications every year and only accepts around 200.
How long does it take to become a JAG officer?
The initial JAG training can also be difficult for attorneys with families. Training begins with approximately six weeks of officer training focused on leadership skills and military tactics and then approximately ten weeks of JAG school (Marine JAG training is significantly more rigorous).
How much does a Jag make in the Air Force?
Air Force JAG salary starts at $3,850.50 per month in base pay, which translates to $46,206 annually. Air Force benefits include a housing allowance adjusted for local cost of living, medical and dental benefits, and 30 days of paid vacation a year.
Is being a JAG worth it?
By becoming a JAG, you are guaranteed a career that has rotating assignments by location and practice area, exposing you to the world and the law in ways you could have never imagined. It provides unrivaled practical and hands-on experience to springboard your career.
What branch of the military is best for lawyers?
The JAG Corps is the legal branch of the military, concerned with military justice and military law.
Will the Marines pay for law school?
WILL THE MARINE CORPS PAY FOR LAW SCHOOL? Although programs do exist whereby active duty Marine officers are ordered to attend law school, drawing full pay and allowances while tuition is paid by the Marine Corps, no similar program is available to officers who enter the Marine Corps via the OCC(LAW) or PLC(LAW).
Will the Air Force pay for law school?
Does the Air Force JAG Corps pay for law school? The Air Force JAG Corps currently does not offer scholarships to pay for law school. The Air Force, however, offers the Funded Legal Education Program (FLEP) to officers and enlisted members on active duty.
Will the military pay for law school?
Will the JAG Corps pay for my law school? Yes, through the Funded Legal Education Program (FLEP), the Army covers the cost of law school for up to 25 active-duty Officers and non-commissioned Officers every year.
How do you become a JAG lawyer in the Air Force?
- Knowledge of military and civilian law.
- Current admission to the bar of a Federal Court or the highest court of a state.
- Designation by The Judge Advocate General as a judge advocate.
- Completion of eight-week Officer Training School.
- Must be between the ages of 18 and 40.