How many modules are in the DLM training?

How many modules are in the DLM training?

four modules
In Moodle, the DLM required training is four modules. These modules are approximately 2.5 hours. After viewing each module the teacher must independently complete a post-test. If you score below 80% accurate on any post-test, you must review the training materials again and retake the post-test(s).

What is DLM in an IEP?

DLM Professional Development Module, Individual Education Programs Based on the DLM Essential Elements. STANDARDS-BASED IEPS. In creating standards-based IEPs, teams identify gaps between students’ present levels of academic achievement and functional performance and grade-level standards.

What are the DLM essential elements?

The development of the entire DLM Alternate Assessment System guided a final round of revisions to the DLM EEs, which can be organized into four broad categories: alignment across grade levels, language specificity, common core alignment, and defining learning expectations (rather than instructional tasks).

How many Testlets are in the DLM?

nine science testlets
If DLM science is being administered in your state, the student will take nine science testlets during the spring assessment. The system chooses the testlet for the student based on information about the student and the DLM map.

What are DLM operational Testlets?

A field test testlet is administered to evaluate item quality for Essential Elements and the linkage levels being assessed at each grade level for English language arts (ELA), mathematics, and science prior to being included in the operational testlet pool.

What is the most common type of item students encounter in Testlets?

Single-select multiple-choice items
Single-select multiple-choice items are the most common item type in DLM assessments. In fact, they are the only item type used in science testlets. Other item types students may encounter are multiple choice-multi-select, drag- and-drop sorting, matching, and select text.

What is the purpose of DLM?

Dynamic Learning Maps® (DLM®) assessments are for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities for whom general state assessments are not appropriate, even with accommodations. DLM assessments offer these students a way to show what they know and can do in English language arts, mathematics, and science.

What does DLM stand for in education?

The alternate assessment for students with the most significant intellectual disabilities in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science is called the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM).

Why is DLM important?

DLM assessments also help parents and educators set high academic expectations for their students. Results from DLM assessments are used to inform instruction and meet accountability requirements for reporting student achievement.

Who should take the DLM?

What is the DLM assessment?

What are DLM linkage levels?

For each Essential Element at every grade level, DLM develops items at several different levels of complexity. Each level addresses a portion of the map that contains content related to the target Essential Element. The levels are called linkage levels.

What is the universal design for learning module?

This self-directed module provides an introduction to Universal Design for Learning as it relates to the College and Career Readiness Standards and students with significant cognitive disabilities.

How long does it take to complete a self-directed module?

Each interactive self-directed module is short (30-45 minutes on average) and focuses on a single topic. When you begin a module, be certain to complete the information regarding your name, school, and state so that you will receive credit where available.

What is the smart module for IEP?

This self-directed module focuses on the process of writing SMART annual goals and short-term objectives or benchmarks that are linked to the DLM Claims, Conceptual Areas, and Essential Elements. This module should be used in conjunction with information provided by each state education agency regarding IEPs.