How many tanks are needed for AL AR?
Many guides will say that you need 4 tanks for this fight, but you really don’t. You can do it with 3 fairly easily, provided they have decent awareness and understand the fight. Those same guides might also say that one of the tanks needs fire resistance, but they do not. Nobody in the raid needs fire resistance.
How do I tank AL AR?
Tips for Tanks on Al’ar When jumping down, Tanks should head to the ramps and prepare to run back up and get in position for the next platform Al’ar flies to. One tank should be prepared to pick up Ember of Al’ar Phoenix adds during Phase 1 and drag them away from the raid, as they explode upon death.
Is Alar immune to fire TBC?
Al’ar is immune to fire damage.
Is Al Ar immune to fire?
Can Paladins tank AL AR?
-a paladin is fine tanking Al’ar. They can taunt off other tanks just fine on melt armor. The reason you’d likely not see a paladin tanking Al’ar is because they’re so good at dealing with the adds, but there’s no mechanical reason they can’t do it.
Where do AL AR adds spawn?
Al’ar will summon an add every time it switches position. This add spawns at the very position it just left. The adds need to be off-tanked away from the rest of the raid and DPS’d down as soon as possible to keep the total number of spawned adds to a minimum.
Where is Tempest Keep?
Tempest Keep is located off the Eastern Edge of Netherstorm in Outland. It requires a flying mount to get to. The summoning stone for the raid is located on the main continent, so unless you plan to summon your group onto the structure itself, you’ll want to take people who have flying mounts.
Is Al Ar male or female?
A number of players have stated that Al’ar is female, though no official evidence is apparent. HOLD IT! Actually for elementals, they don’t act like “mammals”, “birds”, or other other “animals”. They aren’t even considered “animals” but magical elemental creatures/constructs.
Can you skip al ar?
So yes, you can kill Al’ar. The mount is from Kael and Kael alone… it doesnt care if you have killed the other bosses in there. Correct, nothing that you can do in the instance can change whether Ashes drops or not, it has the 1% chance of dropping regardless.
Do I need flying mount for Tempest Keep?
In order to access the Tempest Keep you will either need a flying mount (druids can use flight form), or as of patch 2.4. 0 be summoned from a warlock that is currently inside.
Can a Warlock summon you to arcatraz?
As with the other Tempest Keep instances, every member of the group needs a flying mount (or flying form, if a druid) to reach the instance entrance. If you cannot fly you may be summoned by a Warlock instead; the minimum level to enter the instance is 65.