How many types of euphorbia are there?

How many types of euphorbia are there?

With around 2,200 species, euphorbias are the second largest genus of plants in the world.

How do you identify Euphorbia?

Identifying Characteristics The distinctive red stems, leaves with finely toothed leaf apexes, and milky sap are all characteristics that help in the identification of sun spurge. From a distance, this plant might be confused with Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias), which has very similar flowers.

Why is Euphorbia not a cactus?

Cacti have spines, which are modified leaves, and they come from areoles, which are structures that all cacti have. Euphorbias most often have thorns, usually in pairs, which are modified stems. Euphorbias do not have areoles.

Can Euphorbia grow in shade?

Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae has lime-green spring flowers and glossy, evergreen foliage, giving this plant a long season of interest. It is the perfect plant for dark areas of dry shade.

Does euphorbia need full sun?

Where to plant euphorbias. Euphorbias generally require a sunny position and fertile, well-drained soil. However, some varieties are shade tolerant and will thrive beneath trees and shrubs, as ground cover.

What is the spurge family?

SpurgesSpurges / Family

Do euphorbia have spines or thorns?

Euphorbia spines are hard tissue like rose thorns, and often form a V suggestive of cattle horns or a snail’s head. (Note: Many succulent euphorbias have no thorns.) Dry flower stems (peduncles) cling to the ribs of Euphorbia horrida. In some Euphorbia species, stems supporting bracts dry and cling to the plant.

Is euphorbia indoor plant?

Columnar euphorbia are intricate, sculptural succulents that will happily grow indoors with proper care and attention. Read on for some interesting facts about euphorbia and advice about growing these beauties as houseplants.