How much horsepower does a Stage 2 performance chip have?

How much horsepower does a Stage 2 performance chip have?

Frequently Asked Questions

STAGE 1 (FUEL SAVER CHIP) 20HP Increase +16.2 ft·lbs
STAGE 2 (ALL-AROUND CHIP) 30HP Increase +24.2 ft·lbs
STAGE 3 (FOCUSED IN POWER) 40HP Increase +32.3 ft·lbs

What’s the difference between stage 1 and 2?

A stage represents a set of upgrades fitted as a set. As you might expect, a stage is how far you’ve gone with tuning part of your car. Stage 2 represents a more tuned car than stage 1. Where things can get a bit confusing is that what each “stage” means can vary from car to car, and even from tuner to tuner.

How do I install Stage 1 performance chip?


  1. START your vehicle.
  2. LOCATE the OBD-2 PORT under the driver-side dashboard.
  3. CHECK THE OBD2 PORT for any dirt, dust, or grime.
  4. PLUG IN the performance chip and wait 15 seconds.
  5. PRESS & HOLD the SYNC/RESET button on the front of the chip for 15 seconds.

Do tuning chips actually work?

Because this practice continues to be widely spread, it brings many of us to question, “Do performance chips work?” The answer is yes. Performance chips provide a substantial boost in torque output and overall vehicle performance.

How long does the GTE Stage 1 performance chip module take to work?

The GTE Stage 1 Performance Chip module needs about 5-10 seconds in this stage to transmit data from your vehicle’s ECU. After 10 seconds, you can start the vehicle normally. Step 4: Once your vehicle is started for the first time, the GTE Stage 1 Performance Chip module begins a learning process.

How long does it take for a performance chip to turn on?

Your dash gauges will turn on. The GTE Stage 1 Performance Chip module needs about 5-10 seconds in this stage to transmit data from your vehicle’s ECU. After 10 seconds, you can start the vehicle normally. Step 4: Once your vehicle is started for the first time, the GTE Stage 1 Performance Chip module begins a learning process.

What is the JDM-USA rating of the ST1 performance chip module?

GTE Stage 1 Performance Chip Module PCB Circuit Board Review / Analysis. The IC has a JDM-USA Rev. 6.0 label on it.

Where can I buy the performance chip tuning OBD?

Their website,, offers this and several other versions of their OBD and other performance products. The direct product page is here: