How much of Indiana is forested?

How much of Indiana is forested?

19.4% forested
INDIANA FORESTRY FACTS Indiana is 19.4% forested this is the same percentage as Colorado. Indiana has approximately 2 billion trees or 340 trees for each Indiana citizen. Private landowners own 85% of Indiana’s Forests. Current tree growth in Indiana is 3.3 times greater than tree harvest.

What kind of forests does Indiana have?

Indiana’s forests dominate the landscape of southern Indiana and are comprised primarily of oak/hickory forest types (Fig. 1). Indiana’s forest land contains approximately 2.2 billion live trees that are at least 1 inch in diameter at breast height (d.b.h., 4.5 feet above the ground).

Was Indiana All forest?

Early explorers to our state talked about traveling for days under a continuous canopy of trees broken occasionally where a tree or trees had fallen. Even when Indiana received statehood in 1816, it was still almost entirely forested.

How many species of trees are in Indiana?

100 native
Indiana has over 100 native tree species.

What is the most common tree in Indiana?

Sugar maple
Sugar maple (Acer saccharum) is the most numerous tree species in Indiana with an estimated 357 million individuals; red maple (Acer rubrum) is second with an estimated 110 million trees in Indiana (Table 2). Interestingly, the most numerous species, sugar maple, is not the most voluminous species in the state.

How many state forests are in Indiana?

The Division of Forestry manages 15 state forests with a total of 158,688.9 acres and 1,577 tracts. View recreation opportunities at Indiana state forests. Learn about state forest management and submit public comments.

What is the tallest tree in Indiana?


Nr Tree species Girth
1 Platanus × hispanica (London Plane) >5.75 m
2 Liriodendron tulipifera (American Tulip Tree) 5.21 m
3 Acer saccharinum (Silver Maple) ~4.26 m
4 Quercus rubra (Northern Red Oak) 4.06 m

What animals live in Indiana forests?

Common mammals include white-tailed deer, fox, woodchuck, opossum, and gray squirrel. Common birds of interest are turkey, pileated woodpecker, several neotropical migrant songbirds, and migratory waterfowl. The karst ecosystems include many unusual cave species.

What are the purple trees in Indiana?

Redbud. One of the earliest trees to flower, the redbud (Cercis canadensis) blooms in early May. The purple-pink flowers form before the leaves and, in Indiana, require at least 30 days of temperatures above 50 F before opening.