How much should a Boer goat weigh before breeding?

How much should a Boer goat weigh before breeding?

80 pounds
Does: As a general rule, does are ovulating and can breed when they are 4 months old or weigh at least 80 pounds.

How much should a goat weigh before breeding?

about 80 lbs
How Old/Big Should a Goat Be Before Breeding. When it comes to breeding, it’s not so much age as it is size. Most of your standard sized dairy goats will need to make the weight of about 80 lbs before they are bred. A healthy, well-fed doe should make this weight by about 8 months.

How old should a Boer goat be before breeding?

five months
Boer goats are polyestrous (they can breed throughout the year), and they reach sexual maturity at five months of age. A typical breeding program is to produce three kid crops every two years, meaning the does are pregnant for five months, nurse their kids for three months, and then are rebred.

How much should a 3 month Boer goat weigh?

Boer Goat Weight Chart by Age

Age Weight Of Male Weight Of Female
At the time of Birth 3.5 to 4 Kg 3 to 3.5 Kg
3 Months 20 to 25 17 to 22 Kg
6 months 35 to 40 30 to 35 kg
12 months 60 to 65 50 to 55 kg

What to give goats before breeding?

Look to Nutrition Many folks “flush” does by switching to legume hay and introducing 1/2 to 1 pound of 12 percent protein grain mix three or four weeks before breeding season begins; this helps boost ovulation rates and results in more kids.

What to feed goats before breeding?

Corn is the grain of choice for flushing; whole cottonseed is another low cost, high energy and also high protein supplement. The goal being to increase intake and body weight, breeding does should be grouped according to their body condition.

How many times a year can a goat get pregnant?

Since the average goat gestation is 150 days, a goat can give birth twice a year. But just because it’s possible, doesn’t mean they should be bred that frequently. Animal experts recommend that for health reasons, a goat should give birth once a year or every 18 months at the most.

Can a 3 month old goat get pregnant?

Although they can come into puberty and breed does as early at 4 months of age, waiting until a buck is a year of age to start using him for breeding is best.

How big is a 3 month old Boer goat?

Boer Goat weight chart by age

Age Weight Of Male Weight Of Female
3 Months 20 to 25 17 to 22 Kg
6 months 35 to 40 30 to 35 kg
12 months 60 to 65 50 to 55 kg
18 months 75 to 80 60 to 65 kg

How much grain do you feed a Boer goat?

Goats typically need to eat 7 lbs of grain for every 1 lb of gain. Your goat will need to eat between 1.75 and 2 lbs of grain to ensure a gain of 1/4 lb per day. Always provide plenty of clean water and have free choice loose salt, and loose trace minerals available at all times.

How to start a Boer goat farm?

Ensure that you create a website to use in creating awareness for your goat farm

  • Encourage your loyal customers to help spread the word about your goat farm
  • Join your local farmers association in order to network and create awareness for your goat farm
  • Advertise your goat farm in popular online forums in order to create awareness for your farm
  • What is the gestation period of a Boer goat?

    With goats, the equal comparison would be six does with two kids each per acre. Ten months after breeding, a cow is nursing a 75 pound calf. Ten months after breeding to a Boer buck, six dairy or spanish goats will have raised 12 kids (a goat’s gestation period is 5 months), and the kids will have been sold.

    When to breed Your Goat?

    Goats breed in autumn,so once the days start getting shorter,watch for the signs that your doe is in heat and your buck is in rut.

  • If you don’t want keep bucks on your farm,rent one from a stud farm or from someone you know.
  • The easiest way to breed your goats is to pair them up in the same pen or pasture and let nature take its course.
  • How many kids does a Boer goat have?

    Typically, the Boer goat gets pregnant 3 times in 2 years and has two kids per pregnancy. Farmers tend to cross this goat with other breeds as a way to boost the size of the animal. Did you know that the tiniest goat breeds usually give birth to the most kids? This is definitely the case for the Nigerian Dwarf goat.