How much TNT is in a megaton?
1,000,000 tons
contrast, is frequently expressed in megatons, each unit of which equals the explosive force of 1,000,000 tons of TNT.
What is equivalent mass of TNT?
Historical derivation of the value For TNT this has been accurately measured as 4686 J/g from a large sample of air blast experiments, and theoretically calculated to be 4853 J/g.
How big is a 4 megaton explosion?
What if a bomb with a yield of 4 megatons – a convenient term for a blast equivalent of 4 millions of TNT, or about 200 times larger than the Hiroshima bomb – had detonated at Goldsboro? We can take a guess courtesy of NUKEMAP 3D, a nuclear blast simulation created by science historian Alex Wellerstein.
How strong is a blast of 1 kg of TNT?
A single kilogram of dynamite can yield overpressure effects measured at more than 1,200 kPa (174 psi) at 1 meter and 280 kPa (40.6 psi) at 2 meters. The blast wave expands in all directions unless reflected or channeled by a structure.
How big is a 1.2 megaton blast?
B83 nuclear bomb
B83 | |
Weight | 2,400 pounds (1,100 kg) |
Length | 12 feet (3.7 m) |
Diameter | 18 inches (46 cm) |
Blast yield | 1.2 megatons (maximum) |
How do you calculate explosive yield?
For explosions that happen on the ground, we use this formula: W = R^3*((27136*P+8649)^(1/2)/13568-93/13568)^2, where W is the yield in tons of TNT, R is the radius in meters, and P is the shockwave pressure in bars, where we generally use 1.37895 bars or 20 psi of pressure.
How strong is a dynamite blast?
Straight Dynamite – Nitroglycerin in an absorbent, with velocities between 10,000 and 20,000 feet per second. This dynamite is the most sensitive of all commercial explosives. The weight strength is the actual percentage of nitroglycerin in the cartridge.
How strong is megaton?
A one-kiloton explosion is equivalent to detonating one-thousand tons of TNT, also a one-megaton is equivalent of one-million tons of TNT. The explosion of one ton of TNT releases approximatly 4.2 × 10 12 joules of energy; for comparison, it takes almost 6.0 ×10 4 joules to warm up a cup of coffee.
What is the conversion of tons of TNT to megatons?
ENERGY Units Conversion tons-of-TNT to megatons-of-TNT. ENERGY Units Conversion. tons-of-TNT to megatons-of-TNT. 1 Tons Of TNT. = 1.0E-6 Megatons Of TNT.
How many joules are in a ton of TNT?
In relation to the base unit of [energy] => (joules), 1 Tons Of TNT (tTNT) is equal to 4184000000 joules, while 1 Megatons Of TNT (MtTNT) = 4.184E+15 joules.
What is the unit of measurement for energy in TNT?
Megaton of TNT TNT – a unit measuring energy fold a ton of TNT. Petafarad PF – a derivative of the unit of measurement of electrical capacity in SI, multiple Faraday.
What is the difference between a kiloton and a megaton?
The “kiloton (of TNT)” is a unit of energy equal to 4.184 terajoules. The “megaton (of TNT)” is a unit of energy equal to 4.184 petajoules. The kiloton and megaton of TNT have traditionally been used to describe the energy output, and hence the destructive power, of a nuclear weapon.