How to get from Munich to Prague?
You can get from Munich to Prague by bus, car, train or plane. Taking a minimum of 50 min and a maximum of approximately 6h and for a price between $10 and $150. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, so stay to find out which is the best option for you on your trip from Munich to Prague!
Is FlixBus the same as Megabus?
Stagecoach has agreed to sell the retail operations of its Megabus Europe business to FlixMobility GmbH, trading as FlixBus; Europe’s largest long-distance coach network. Instead, it will continue as a contractor to FlixBus.
How long is the trip from Munich to Prague?
approximately 3h 25m
Yes, the driving distance between Munich to Prague is 381 km. It takes approximately 3h 25m to drive from Munich to Prague.
Is Flix better than Greyhound?
For starters, Greyhound offers service to many more cities than Flixbus and provides service in nearly every state. The two offer pretty similar amenities including wifi, outlets, bathrooms, and comfortable seats. Overall, reviews for the Greyhound bus are slightly better than Flixbus (and they have a ton of feedback).
Getting from Munich to Prague is cheap and easy when you travel with FlixBus. The two cities are 140 miles apart and traveling between the two takes as fast as 4 hours 35 minutes. FlixBus tickets are always good value, but you can save even more money by booking online in advance.
What are the best places to visit in Prague?
Charles Bridge: One of the most notable places around the city, the bridge is lined with statues on either side. It’s one of the most popular tourist spots in Prague, known for its beauty, architecture and the way it seems to capture perfect pictures every time.
Do I need a cell phone in Prague?
Since the old, winding streets of Prague can be extremely confusing to maneuver, it’s a good idea to have at least one person in your group with a working cell phone. The star of the old town is the Astronomical Clock, which strikes every hour.
Where to drink beer in Prague?
If you want the fairytale magic of Prague to overflow into your beer drinking, go to T’Anker. Here you’ll be able to drink beer while looking at the rooftops and church spires. You’ll also be able to taste traditional Czech bar food along with timeless French fries.