How to make a research paper

Each student sooner or later wonders how to do a research paper. It’s not even about how to do it, but how to do it well. Consider the process as fully as possible.

Choose a topic and collect material

The first is topic selection. A research paper is a written work in which one specific topic, question or problem is revealed. The research paper is usually small in size, so the topic should be narrow enough. Usually, teachers give a list of topics to choose from, but sometimes give the initiative in the hands of students or pupils.

Whether you have a list or not, choose a topic that interests you. If you know her – well, if not – then just get to know her. In any case, writing about something that is not of interest to you does not make sense. The work will be dry and boring.

After you have chosen a topic, you should take from 4-5 sources from which you will take information. It is better that these were not encyclopedias or sites on the Internet, but authoritative publications, publications of scientists, etc.

Structure text

After collecting information, organize it. Make a logical, consistent outline. Write a research paper, adhering to this plan, then the work will come out consistent and reasonable. Do not jump from one to another, disclose information logically.

Divide the research paper into paragraphs and subparagraphs. Each section should be completed and take at least 1-2 pages. Your essay should contain an introduction, 1-2 sections, conclusions and a list of references. Each piece has a name. If everything is clear with the introduction and conclusions, then you will call the sections yourself. Choose the exact headings so that they reveal the meaning of the section.

In the introduction, you indicate the relevance of the topic of the essay, give the background to the question. You can also indicate the goals and objectives that you want to achieve at the end of this scientific work.

If you have tables, illustrations, diagrams, etc. they need to be numbered in Arabic numerals. It is also better to sign each graphic element. Tables are signed above, and illustrations below.

Formatting a research paper

Now that everything is typed, the text must be brought into the appropriate form. There are certain standards for writing a research paper, and they must be adhered to.

The text should be typed in Times New Roman, point size – 14, line spacing – 1-1.5. The text is aligned to the width of the sheet. All this is done in a couple of clicks in a text editor. The average volume of the research paper is 15-20 pages.

Now about the more specific. Headings are written in the same way as in a sentence (the first is uppercase, the rest are uppercase). There is no need to put a period at the end of the title. Also in the headings should not be hyphenation. After the title, indent before the start of the text.

The title page contains information about the Ministry of Education, the name of the educational institution, department, topic of research paper, student data, city and year of writing. Everything except student data is centered. Student data (group, course, form of study, full name) are aligned to the right.

The text is typed in the same way as the main one: Times New Roman font, size – 14, spacing between lines – 1-1.5. The only thing that can be distinguished by bold and large size is the word “RESEARCH PAPER”.

Sometimes research papers use links. They can be subscripted and indicated in parentheses as the source of information.

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