How to study in college

First, you need to go to lectures and seminars. It seems obvious, but since universities are not always the students watched as the school, might be tempted to just skip a few. In addition, the student will miss the material, there is also a second problem – the more he misses, the more he wants to miss.

Find out why you training program needs a particular item. The first lecture on the subject – a great reason to ask such a question, especially because often the first lectures on subjects – introduction. Sometimes it may seem that teaching a subject you don’t need, because right now you don’t see from him and the teachers didn’t tell you. Ask. As a rule, it appears that the items on the first course seemed to be unnecessary, on the third course are very necessary, but absolutely not learned.

How to pass college classes

In the introductory lectures give a list of references – write it down. Sometimes given a choice of a few books – do not be lazy to browse a few and to understand in which the author presents the most clear specifically for you. Sometimes, it might well be that some topics are good in one book, and others in another. Do not be lazy to take in the library of all that is on the list given by the teacher.

Lectures and seminars should take notes. Even if the lecture is boring, you still need. Notes it is useful to keep different colors of pens and markers, make notes, if somewhere during the lectures is not clear and it is impossible to clarify immediately – note to return to this issue (to return to this question after lectures or for consultations before the exam when you suddenly find that you have a lack of material on some ticket).

If you miss a couple, it is very useful to rewrite (hands to remember and not easy to scan, as some do) someone else notes, it is desirable to take it from the man who outlines well, and he, not rewrites of someone, missing information due to laziness and the thought that it is not useful.

If you have after the lecture questions, for example, because some of the material you still don’t understand, it is very useful to come with these questions to the lecturer. It is an ace method. Perhaps not all teachers will be happy about this, but I personally such did not meet. Usually they are happy to answer questions and in other words you can explain something especially for you (or at least say where you can read the alternative presentation of material). This approach has another bonus: first, the teacher remembers you, and secondly, he also remembers what you learn, not sit on a couple of social networks, and therefore, he is not just talking for almost half an hour. This could be a nice bonus on the exam if you submit you will to him.

How to study for a test in college

This also seems obvious, but you need to do homework, if any. Homework is not only a way of usurping time student, but part of learning is you repeat the material, which took place in the University, and almost it is used. Because it often happens that while the teacher says – everything is clear, and when I need to repeat myself – nothing is clear . This is a great way to deal with the material and “fill the hand”.

It is important to understand that the University education involves a significant amount of time spent by the student for self-study and study material. With this we can agree, we can disagree, but to change it you probably can’t, so it’s reasonable to consider this fact and adapt to it.

In the Evening after the lecture (or coming home) go through your notes again.

Not just because you’re so boring and you have nothing else to do, but because there are so called curve of forgetting (based on it even has a special program for learning words). The point is that for a good memorization of information is better to repeat after a certain period of time. You spend half an hour or an hour, but will save you a lot of nerve cells in the exams (but perhaps this information will come in handy at work).

Prepare for the session in advance. Among students there is a certain mental virus – an idea of “typical student” who scored all semester to study, and teaches the whole course the night before the exam. Try not to be a typical student, because this student very likely will forget all as soon as I walk out the doors of the auditorium where the exam.

If you study well during the semester, for you the session will not be so stressed like the others. Distribute training, eat properly and get enough sleep (sleep is very important for learning, and not only during the session, because during sleep the brain organizes the knowledge).

How to become a better student in college

Some teachers say that if you studied in a semester, to prepare for the session you didn’t have to because you already know that will pass. Their words sound like a mockery, but a certain logic in this.

Try to choose topics term papers and dissertations so that they get really interesting (and even better, had professional practical application). If you have a topic that you are very interested in, then you can do some course on the subject, developing it, and based on their diploma. This diploma will be much more interesting and useful for you personally. And to protect the rich degree, not a dummy, is much more interesting, more pleasant and even easier.

Choosing of the supervisor, try to choose someone who really understands your topic. Consult with senior students – they will discourage you from leaders who can create problems for you in the power of capricious nature and tyranny.

Do coursework and diplomas in advance. Don’t go on about the majority that makes the diplomas and course at the last moment, or even download and ruled under him. It’s all the same “typical students” and it is never an effective approach to learning. Besides, it is unlikely you will pass the check standards (requirements for registration) the first time.

Defense work, too, in advance. Make slides, handouts, outline of the report. Plan and rehearse if necessary. Ask the students and teachers about how to better organize the report.

Of course the third try to find some internships, part-time job or internship. This will help you avoid known issues, which many graduates “without experience do not take and experience available elsewhere”. The solution is simple – the course on the third start to pass free training in companies specialty. So you will get the same experience, but at the same time check whether you have correctly chosen profession and specialty, and if you have not guessed, it will be time to adjust.

College studying hacks

Internships are often not paid because the student brings not so much good as it seems. It should be taught, it must be disciplined, for him to double-check and sometimes to correct. So the benefit that the company gets from your work, for the most part offset by the work that you need to make other employees to accompany. However, sometimes internships are paid, and (though rather symbolically).

It may be very disappointing to be stuck at work during the summer or after steam, while your classmates will have fun, have fun, hang out, and maybe even laugh at you. Don’t despair – soon after the release you will understand that you did everything right and used all available forces and the time.

Separately to say about fellow student studying hard. You will give them 5-6 years and they for this time will be your environment, it will not affect you. University friends can help you during and after graduation (in part, this strong Ivy League in the US – where some of your classmates will be a lot of future politicians, successful professionals, entrepreneurs), and can just be daunting.

If your flow many of those who enrolled in your specialty because they like it and interesting, it is likely that these people will try to study well, will be “in the know”, and communicating with them, you will develop and grow professionally, “reaching” for them. If you stream a lot of those who entered the profession because I had somewhere to go, and you do easily, then they are unlikely for you high level you will reach. They can be fun after pairs (and often in pairs), but it is unlikely they will help you to study effectively at University.

Success! And remember that perseverance and hard work the University has never stopped anyone. You can spend these 5-6 years for nothing (and to join those who rants about the meaninglessness and futility of higher education), and can lay the Foundation for an interesting and successful career. If you learn, and no slacking now, even the absence of your alma mater in the list of top universities will not be for you a serious obstacle. And if you pull, even the best teachers in the best University is unlikely to help.