How to write the main part of the coursework

Of course, it is difficult to write an introduction and conclusion of a coursework, but still the main information is carried in the first and second chapters, theoretical and practical, respectively. Therefore, if you have a well-written introduction of a coursework, and in the main part failure, a good grade from a responsible teacher will be difficult for you to get.

Main part plan

The main part of the course work, as a rule, consists of two or three chapters. The first chapter is a theoretical base, the second (if there are only three chapters) is the historical part, and the third is practice. If the topic is not so extensive, then it is quite possible to do with two chapters. It is important that each chapter should consist of at least two paragraphs. When formulating the names of them, you need to make sure that they do not repeat.

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Building the main part

The division into practical and theoretical parts is rather arbitrary and depends primarily on the course topic chosen. Suppose if your work is based on a comparison of two enterprises or publications, then you can describe the theoretical basis and create a comparison method in the first chapter, and carry out the analysis in the second chapter. And you can do it differently: give the first chapter under the first enterprise, the second under the second, and devote the third chapter to the comparison itself. In short, you decide. In this matter, it is best to consult with the supervisor. He will tell you how intelligent it will be to divide your coursework.

The composition of the main part

In this part, the theoretical data of various sources are analyzed, the arguments and the author’s approach to this problem are given, and various points of view are considered. In the practical part, it is necessary to describe the techniques that the student uses to study the problem. Techniques can be taken from other materials, and can be invented independently.