Is Archer Daniels Midland stock a buy?
Valuation metrics show that Archer Daniels Midland Company may be fairly valued. Its Value Score of C indicates it would be a neutral pick for value investors. The financial health and growth prospects of ADM, demonstrate its potential to perform inline with the market. It currently has a Growth Score of A.
Is Archer Daniels a buy?
Archer Daniels Midland currently has a Zacks Rank of #2 (Buy). Our research shows that stocks rated Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) and #2 (Buy) and Style Scores of A or B outperform the market over the following one-month period.
What sector is Archer Daniels Midland?
food processing and commodities trading corporation
Archer Daniels Midland is a food processing and commodities trading corporation that operates over 400 crop procurement facilities and 270 food processing plants across the globe.
What does Archer Daniels Midland sell?
Archer-Daniels-Midland Company is an agricultural origination and processing company. The Company offers sustainable human and animal nutrition. It is engaged in developing sustainable solutions in agriculture, energy, and bio-based alternatives to materials and fuels produced from petroleum products.
Is Archer Daniels Midland still in business?
The Archer-Daniels-Midland Company, commonly known as ADM, is an American multinational food processing and commodities trading corporation founded in 1902 and headquartered in Chicago, Illinois….Chief Executive Officers.
Started | Name |
2015 | Juan Luciano |
Who owns ADM stock?
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
Top 10 Owners of Archer-Daniels-Midland Co
Stockholder | Stake | Shares owned |
The Vanguard Group, Inc. | 10.14% | 57,025,447 |
State Farm Investment Management … | 8.32% | 46,796,552 |
Capital Research & Management Co…. | 7.18% | 40,362,744 |
SSgA Funds Management, Inc. | 5.49% | 30,834,560 |