Is behind the neck lat pull down safe?

Is behind the neck lat pull down safe?

Lat pull downs behind the neck are potentially dangerous and always unnecessary in your fitness or rehab plan. Let’s take a look at this from a biomechanical point of view. The primary reason that this exercise is potentially dangerous is that it places the shoulder at a severe biomechanical disadvantage.

Is it better to do lat pulldowns behind your head?

Should you pull down in front or behind your head? There was no difference in muscular activity for the latissimus dorsi when comparing the three variations. The study concluded that when the primary objective of a lat pull down is considered the front of the head is a better choice than behind the head.

What muscles do behind-the-neck lat pulldown work?

Behind The Neck Lat Pulldowns (How To Perform & Muscles Worked)

  • Shoulders (Front, Outer, & Rear Deltoids) Your shoulders are essential for several exercises, and it’s important to train them regularly.
  • Upper Back (Traps, Or Trapezius)
  • Back Upper Arm (Triceps Brachii)
  • Armpit Over Rib Cage (Serratus Anterior)

Is behind the neck press Safe?

The behind-the-neck press is an exercise that targets your shoulders. However, it can put extra strain on your neck and shoulders, so many people advise against it. If you have poor shoulder mobility and stability, it’s best to avoid this move.

Are pull downs worth it?

The pulldown is still a great exercise with a lot of variation too, but it isn’t on the same level. The pulldown is still worth doing, especially to build up to a pull-up, or to really overload your back afterwards too, but it just isn’t on the same level as the pull-up.

Do lat pull downs actually work lats?

The lat pulldown is a compound exercise, meaning it works several joints at once — and thus, several muscles. While the latissimus dorsi is the primary muscle worked, the biceps and muscles of the forearm act as helpers. Several of the muscles of the rotator cuff also assist as you pull the bar down.

How do you do a pull up behind your neck?

Form with the Pullup To balance your body, bend your knees and cross your lower legs behind your body. Keeping your back straight and abs tight, pull yourself up toward the bar and move your head underneath. Once your neck lightly touches the bar, slowly lower yourself back down and repeat.

Why is lat pull down harder than pull-ups?

It is similar to the pull up, except with pull ups you are actually held (relatively) stable by the bar you are gripping. In the lat pulldown, the bar is in motion, so it is more difficult to control. This is why some people find lat pulldowns to be more difficult even than pull ups.

Should you do Lat pulldowns behind or behind the neck?

When it comes to performing lat pulldowns, always pull the bar down in front of your neck to your upper chest. There are a few main reasons why behind the neck pulldowns are not the best choice…

What type of exercise is behind the neck pull down?

Behind the Neck Lat Pulldown. The behind the neck lat pulldown (rear pulldown) belongs in the multiple-joint exercise category because both the shoulder and the elbow joints are mobilized.

Are behind the neck pulldowns better for building muscle?

Behind the neck pulldowns offer no additional muscle building advantage that lat pulldowns to the front don’t, and yet they do present the very real downside of an increased risk for injury.

How do I perform a pull-up with a bar?

In other words, pull your shoulder blades together as you squeeze your lats to initiate the movement, pulling the bar down in a smooth motion to the back of your neck. Slowly pull the bar down to the back of your neck but do not let the bar touch your neck. Maintain proper body position by keeping your chest up and your head facing forward.