Is Cyclospora cayetanensis contagious?

Cyclospora needs time (typically, at least 1–2 weeks) after being passed in a bowel movement to become infectious for another person. Therefore, it is unlikely that Cyclospora is passed directly from one person to another.

How do people get cyclosporiasis?

Cyclospora is spread by eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Infection spreading directly from one person to another is unlikely. Outbreaks in the United States have been linked to various types of imported fresh produce, such as cilantro, salad mix, basil, snow peas, and raspberries.

Who is most likely to get Cyclospora cayetanensis?

Immunocompromised Hosts. Cyclospora cayetanensis affects both immunocompetent and immunocompromised persons. However, it is more severe in immunocompromised hosts, in particular in HIV-infected patients for whom it is an important cause of diarrhea [41,46,96,97].

How long does Cyclospora cayetanensis last?

How long can the symptoms last? If not treated, the illness may last from a few days to a month or longer. Symptoms may seem to go away and then return one or more times (relapse). It’s common to feel very tired.

How does one get infected with Cyclospora cayetanensis?

Cyclosporiasis is a diarrheal illness caused by the protozoan parasite, Cyclospora cayetanensis. People become infected with Cyclospora by consuming food or water that has been contaminated with feces that contain the parasite.

What are the symptoms of Cyclospora cayetanensis?


  • Frequent, watery diarrhea.
  • Bouts of diarrhea alternating with bouts of constipation.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss.
  • Bloating, flatulence and burping.
  • Stomach cramps.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Muscle aches.
  • Fever.

How serious is Cyclospora?

If a person ill from cyclosporiasis is not treated, symptoms can persist for several weeks to a month or more. Some symptoms, such as diarrhea, can return; and some symptoms, such as fatigue, may continue after the gastrointestinal symptoms have gone away. The infection usually is not life threatening.

What is the infective stage of Cyclospora cayetanensis?

Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts are spherical, 7.5-10 µm in diameter and unsporulated when passed in feces. Sporulation in the environment is temperature-dependent and may take one to several weeks for an infective oocyst to contain two sporocysts, each containing two sporozoites.

How can Cyclospora cayetanensis be prevented?


  1. Avoiding water or food that could be contaminated by feces.
  2. Rinsing fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating.
  3. Washing your hands with warm water and soap after touching fruits and vegetables.
  4. Putting peeled, cooked, or cut fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator within 2 hours.

What type of pathogen is Cyclospora cayetanensis?

Cyclospora cayetanensis is an emerging human pathogenic coccidian parasite, which quickly was recognized as an important cause of water- and foodborne disease. It is the only species of the genus infecting humans.

What causes Cyclospora cayetanensis?

Cyclosporiasis is an intestinal illness caused by the microscopic parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis. People can become infected with Cyclospora by consuming food or water contaminated with the parasite. People living or traveling in countries where cyclosporiasis is endemic may be at increased risk for infection.

How is Cyclospora cayetanensis spread?

Cyclospora cayetanensis is spread via the fecal-oral route, meaning that the host must ingest something, food or water for example, that had been contaminated with feces that contain infectious oocysts; to be infectious the oocyst has to be sporulated.

How do you prevent Cyclospora cayetanensis?

Prevention. Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts, which are the cause of infection, are transmitted via the fecal-oral route, therefore the best prevention for infection of this microorganism is to simply avoid food or water that may have been contaminated with feces containing the infectious oocysts.

What is the infectious dose of Cyclospora cayetanensis?

The infectious dose of oocysts needed to infect the host is relatively unknown, but it is thought to be in the low numbers. [3] The incubation period for Cyclospora cayetanensis infection is at average one week, but can range from even 1 day to around two weeks.

What is the oocyst of Cyclospora cayetanensis?

The oocyst of Cyclospora cayetanensis is a spherical shape, and can range from 8 to 10 μm, and after sporulation each oocyst contains four sporozoites ready for invasion of the host. [8]