Is dentrix enterprise the same as dentrix?
Although Dentrix Enterprise has a similar look and feel to Dentrix and uses the same award-winning workflow, it is a platform built on a relational SQL database.
Is dentrix enterprise cloud based?
DENTIX ENTERPRISE RUNNING IN THE MBS SECURE CLOUD Apply that same theory to your data and dental software and utilise the benefits of cloud-based storage for your dental practice.
Does dentrix use SQL?
The Dentrix Server Administration Utility is used to schedule an export of your Dentrix database. Due to the nature of an SQL database, the Dentrix database server locks its database even when Dentrix is not open on any computer on your network (because the Dentrix ACEServer service is always running on the server).
How do I reset my dentrix enterprise password?
Open your email program, and locate the automated email message that was sent from Dentrix Ascend Support. Click (or tap) the Set your password link in that message. The Dentrix Ascend website opens to the Set your password page. Type a new password in the New Password and Confirm Password boxes.
Who owns dentrix?
Henry Schein, Inc.
Dentrix Dental Systems was founded in 1985 and acquired by Henry Schein, Inc.
What kind of software is dentrix?
Dentrix Dental Software Plus, Dentrix helps you build your practice with integrated eServices — innovative dental software that adds new capabilities to your system — and “Dentrix Connected” products from top dental technology companies.
How do I set up electronic prescriptions in dentrix?
The patient’s Patient Prescriptions page opens.
- On a patient’s Patient Prescriptions page, on the Prescription menu, click (or tap) New Electronic Prescription.
- Do the following:
- Click (or tap) Save.
- If the patient does not have any preferred pharmacies set up, click (or tap) Add/Edit Pharmacies to add a pharmacy.
How do I backup my dentrix G6?
To back up your Dentrix G6 database, you will first need to use the Dentrix Server Administration Utility to export a copy of your database to :\DENTRIX\Common. You will also need to reconfigure your backup software to back up the copy of your database.
How do I backup my dentrix g4?
On main computer or server where the main module is installed, locate and double-click the executable for Dentrix Server Administration Utility. The Dentrix Server Administration Utility dialog box appears. Click the Export/Restore Database tab. The Export/Restore Database tab options will appear.
How do I unlock a dentrix account?
From the Office Manager, click Maintenance > Practice Setup > Passwords > Practice Passwords Setup and click the Password Security button. Check the box next to Allow password reset with security questions, and click OK.
How do I unlock my dentrix account?
This means something was spelled wrong or you used the wrong information 3 times. Nothing you can do on your end, you can tell your lead or create a support ticket and we will get you back into your account in no time!