Is FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH making a new album?

Is FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH making a new album?

Five Finger Death Punch have announced their ninth studio album, AfterLife, and have previewed what is dubbed the band’s “most diverse” effort to date by dropping the record’s angsty title track.

Which FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH songs are covers?

Songs covered by Five Finger Death Punch

Song Play Count
1 Bad Company (Bad Company cover) Play Video stats 642
2 Gone Away (The Offspring cover) Play Video stats 84
3 Blue on Black (Kenny Wayne Shepherd cover) Play Video stats 58
4 Mama Said Knock You Out (LL Cool J cover) Play Video stats 48


Five Finger Death Punch covered the song on their 2017 compilation album, A Decade of Destruction, and on their 2018 studio album, And Justice for None. Their version peaked at No. 2 on Billboard’s Mainstream Rock Airplay chart in April 2018.

Why did FFDP break up?

In a statement on their socials alongside a promo pic of the band’s new 2020 iteration, FFDP write that “all parties came to a mutual agreement”, and they split with Jason in February of this year, with the musician having to leave a European arena tour due to complications with emergency gallbladder surgery.

Who is touring with Five Finger Death Punch?

In addition to Megadeth, Five Finger Death Punch will be joined by The HU and Fire From The Gods on the tour, which will kick off in Portland, Oregon on August 19. Tour dates run for nearly two months in North America, wrapping with an October 15 performance at USANA Amphitheater in Salt Lake City.

Who covers Gone Away the offspring?

Five Finger Death Punch
Listen to their version of the 1997 track, Gone Away. To celebrate the release of their greatest hits album, A Decade Of Destruction, which is out today, Five Finger Death Punch have revealed a lyric video for Gone Away.

Is the house of the rising sun a jail?

It was located at 826-830 St. Louis St. 2) It’s about a women’s prison in New Orleans called the Orleans Parish women’s prison, which had an entrance gate adorned with rising sun artwork. This would explain the “ball and chain” lyrics in the song.

Is Gone Away by the offspring a cover?

As previously stated, “Gone Away” appeared on The Offspring’s fourth studio album, Ixnay on the Hombre, in 1997. It topped Billboard’s Mainstream Rock Chart and hit No. 4 for Alternative Airplay. It was also covered in 2017 by Five Finger Death Punch on their A Decade of Destruction hits set, peaking at No.

What happened to the offspring?

Gregory “Greg K.” Kriesel, one of the co-founders of the Offspring, was their bassist until 2018 when he parted ways due to business disputes with the band, leaving Holland as the sole remaining original member….

The Offspring
Members Dexter Holland Noodles Todd Morse

Why did TMZ sues FFDP?

Court documents obtained by TMZ have the label directly accusing 5FDP of “shamelessly attempting to cash in before the anticipated downfall of their addicted bandmate”, and claiming that certain members of the band have even admitted to them that 5FDP are trying to smash out the new tunes before “Ivan does something …

Where is Jeremy Spencer now?

He is currently the frontman of Psycho Synner, an industrial metal/gothic rock band where he performs under the name Grym Synner. On October 31, 2021, Spencer released a one-day record nine Psycho Synner albums. Oakland City, Indiana, U.S.

Are any FFDP members veterans?

They’ve Got a Team of Veterans Behind Them Five Finger Death Punch has a team of seasoned rock and metal veterans helping guide its career.

Is Five Finger Death Punch a good band?

Five Finger Death Punch has always been a good group without a doubt but with “War Is The Answer” the band proves that they have come into their own and finally the monster of a band that has always been lurking is unleashed! Not only do you get a band that has matured, you get a band that has something to say.

Is Five Finger Death Punch over rated?

This is very much an opinion question, however, I will give you my opinion. Honestly? They are very very underrated. Yes, you hear about them a lot, but it’s usually with a negative connotation attached. I personally love FFDP, have since American…

What religion is Five Finger Death Punch?

Five Finger Death Punch frontman Ivan Moody has given a big update on his sobriety after being absent from the band for a period of time a year ago.#ivanmood…

What is Five Finger Death?

Who is Five Finger Death Punch? Five Finger Death Punch, or “5FDP,” is an American metal band based in Las Vegas, Nevada that hails from the groove metal, thrash, and arena rock traditions of bands like Pantera, Metallica, and W.A.S.P.