Is it correct to say depend on?

Is it correct to say depend on?

One of the most common ways to use ‘it depends’ is with the preposition ‘on’. Be careful to not use another preposition! I sometimes hear ‘It depends about…’ or ‘It depends from …’ these are both incorrect. Use ‘It depends on’ with a noun or noun phrase, but not with a full clause.

Can Depend on Me meaning?

to trust someone or something and know that he, she, or itwill help you or do what you want or expect: You can always depend on her in a crisis.

What type of word is depend on?

depend is a verb, dependable is an adjective, dependent is an adjective and a noun, dependence is a noun:I knew I could depend on you to help me. You are very dependable. His children are dependent on him for support. He listed his children as dependents on his tax form.

What does depend on and rely on mean?

1 : to need (someone or something) for support, help, etc. : to depend on (someone or something) My mother relied on me for financial support. They rely on a well for all their water. 2 : to trust or believe (someone or something) She’s someone you can rely on. I relied heavily upon your advice.

How do you use depend on in a sentence?

Depend sentence example

  1. If I need any help, I can always depend on Josh.
  2. Do not depend on the putty.
  3. It might depend on the circumstances.
  4. A good deal may also depend on the soil.
  5. I was raised on a farm, and being an only child, I learned not to depend on others for entertainment.

Is it depending on or dependent on?

Use depending when the word begins a dependent clause. This means that the sentence already has a separate subject and main verb, and the dependent clause only adds some extra information: We’re thinking about going to the beach, depending on the weather.

What is a big fuss?

A state of excessive and unwarranted concern over an unimportant matter: made a big fuss over one low test grade. b. An objection; a protest: The longer working hours caused a big fuss.

Can be depended on synonym?

In this page you can discover 29 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for depend (on or upon), like: count on, be dependent on, rest on, be determined by, be connected with, be subject to, put faith in, confide in, hang-by-a-thread, be based on and be subordinate to.

What is another word for depending upon?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for depending (on), like: determined by, regulated by, subject to, providing, controlled by, provided, on the condition that, dependent upon, springing from, dependent on and contingent on.

What do you call someone you can always rely on?

confidant. noun. someone who you trust and can discuss your secrets and private feelings with.

Which is correct dependent on or dependent upon?

They are equivalent; upon is just a more formal term for on, and it is especially used in abstract senses. The copy of the NOAD I can access on my Mac via the Dictionary app reports the following note about the usage of upon.

What does it mean to depend on?

What does it mean to depend on someone? ‘It is very evident that the rigour with which merger control is enforced depends in part on the agenda of the Minister.’ ‘The investment return depends solely on the difference between what you paid and what someone else pays you when you sell.’ Which is a near antonym of the word dependent?

What is another word for “depending on”?

» dependent adj.&n. determined,contingent

  • » according adj.
  • » function n.
  • » under adv.
  • » varya
  • » subject to exp.&adj.&v.&phr. v. liable
  • » addicted adj.
  • » dependant n.
  • » hinge upon exp.
  • » accordingly
  • What does depend on mean?

    depend on/upon. 1 : to be determined or decided by (something) We’re not sure if we’ll have the picnic. It depends on the weather. 2 : to need (someone or something) for support, help, etc. 3 : to be sure about (someone or something) : to trust (someone or something) The manufacturer promises quality you can depend on.

    What does dependent upon mean?

    dependent upon – determined by conditions or circumstances that follow; “arms sales contingent on the approval of congress”