Is moonstone a precious stone?

Is moonstone a precious stone?

Moonstone is an enchanting semi-precious gemstone which radiates beauty.

What’s so special about moonstone?

Many believed the stone was created from moonbeams. Others strongly associated the stone’s powers with the moon. The stone was especially prized during a full moon. Moonstone is thought to bring its wearer good fortune and feelings of love and affection.

Why are moonstones so cheap?

Moonstone is rare in both large size and fine quality, but Indian material with strong body color is abundant and very inexpensive. This is fortunate, because the material is usually well-cut and very attractive.

How can I tell if a moonstone is real?

Moonstones are known for their adularescence – a unique optical illusion that results in a milky, bluish luster or glow on the surface of the gem. To test this aspect of the jewel, place it under bright artificial light and view it from above. If you notice the blue/white glow, your moonstone is probably real.

How much does real moonstone cost?

Prices for moonstones range from $10 to $1000, with clear moonstones free of inclusions, such as centipedes or unappealing greenish tints, commanding the highest prices.

What are the main uses for Moonstone?

Protection. Since Moonstone was used by travelers so long ago for the purposes of protection,this is one of the strongest qualities of this stone.

  • Love. In addition to its known uses for protection,moonstone is also a crystal of love and fertility.
  • Energy Diffuser.
  • Emotional Healing.
  • Psychic Abilities.
  • What are the powers of a moonstone?


  • Meaning. The moon,in feng shui and many other spiritual traditions,represents divine femininity.
  • Feng Shui Applications. Here are some ways to use moonstone in your home’s feng shui.
  • Cleansing and Charging Crystals. It’s a good idea to regularly clean and charge your crystals,as you would any other objects in your home.
  • What to do with Moonstone?

    Wearing Moonstone and Preserving It. There’re common ways to use these stones.

  • Moonstone at Home.
  • Moonstone at Work.
  • Meditation with Moonstone.
  • People and Relationships.
  • Moonstone Crystal Therapies.
  • Moonstone and Chakras.
  • Moonstone Beauty Products.
  • Moonstone Intimate Accessories.
  • Moonstone Gem Water.
  • How to buy Moonstone?


  • What are Rainbow Moonstones?
  • Clarity
  • Cut
  • Carat