Generating Prospects

If you’ve ever run an ad and tried to sell your product or service in one, quick and easy step, you know how difficult that can be.

After spending a great deal of time and money on your ad, you end up with little or no response.

Here’s a better way to spend your marketing dollars.

Stop trying to sell your product or service in your ads and instead use your advertising to attract prospects to your business. Then follow up with those prospects multiple times to convert a percentage of them into paying customers.

How do you attract prospects to your business with your marketing?


Simple. Give them an offer they can’t refuse. In the early stages of your prospects’ buying process, they are looking for information about the product or service they’re considering.

Put together a free report or idea-pack filled with information, or tips related to your product or service, and focus your marketing offers around the free report.

Here are some example industries and how they might use this powerful prospect generator:

A chiropractor who treats certain types of headache pain

“Relieve Headache Pain Now. Call for Your Free, Headache Relief Info-Pak”

A banker who specializes in home loans

“Free Home-Buying Report: 12 Steps to Buying Your First Home.”

An insurance agent

“Free to Auto Owners: 21 Tips for Saving Money on Your Auto Insurance”


The only people who would respond to any of these specific offers, would be people who have an interest in the service being offered.

Variations on this free report approach can be applied to any business. Just pinpoint what kind of information related to your product or service that your prospects would find very hard to resist.

Once you decide what that information is, put it together in a simple booklet, report, or info-pack format, etc. and begin using your marketing vehicles to deliver your offer to your target market.

When you deliver your free information, make sure you include information about your product and service. Also include a special offer on your product or service, and follow up with your prospects to convert the highest percentage of them into new customers.

How To Become A Marketing Manager

Business degrees cover a wide range of career opportunities for students who attend one of the best business colleges, but one of the highest paid positions you can obtain when it comes to business is that of a Marketing Manager. A marketer researches consumer markets and develops a strategy for reaching out to customers in order to promote a company’ product. A marketing manager works with a whole department of people and oversees the creation of an entire marketing plan. Marketing managers often have to travel and work long hours in a very competitive and fast-moving industry, but they get a comfortable salary and benefits package in return. So how exactly do you break into this field and rise to the top as a manager? There are several steps you must take to help prepare yourself.

You’ll first need to learn about business schools and pick which to attend to get a quality education. The minimum education level required for a marketing manager is a bachelor’s degree in marketing, or in another business field such as business management or the specific field in which a company operates. While a bachelor’s degree in the bare minimum, many employers also require that candidates for a marketing manager position have a Master of Business Administration degree as well.

During your time in school at a good business school, one thing that can help you get ahead among your fellow students is to intern at a marketing company or in the marketing department of a business. Volunteering your time as an intern or even just asking to shadow someone in the position is a great way to gain experience in addition to learning about the profession in a classroom.

Once you’ve finished your business school program, you’ll be ready for a career in marketing, but you’ll have to take a few more steps in order to become a marketing manager. You’ll likely have to work for several years in entry-level jobs to gain as much experience as possible in the field. You might work as a marketing assistant, market researcher, sales representative, or customer service representative.

An important step to take when working towards your ultimate career goal is to make sure you don’t lose any of the skills you learned in business school. One of the best ways to make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest techniques and skills needed to work as a marketer for a business is to take refresher courses. Local business schools often offer continuing education courses to help those who already have a degree from one of the best schools for business to brush up on what they previously learned and apply it to their current position. Some companies will also offer management training programs as a form of a business program to help their employees stay sharp when it comes to what they learned in business school.

How To Know What To Study For An Exam

One question often asked by students is how do you know what to study for an exam?

If you are asking this question the night before your exam you are probably too late! Plan for your exam revision well in advance of the actual date!

The best source of information on what is likely to come up in an exam is past exam papers. Often questions in exams are recycled from previous years. Even if the same questions are not asked directly, they are often related or grouped around important topics.

Past exam papers are a good indicator of common themes or subjects that are likely to provide sources for questions in an exam. Take these “themes” as indicators of important areas you should study for.

Another way to find out what you should study for an exam is to ask your lecturers! Most of the time they will not tell you anything, but some may offer some clues. They will usually go as far as advising on the essential elements… in a roundabout way.

They key to knowing what to study in an exam really lies in attending your lectures and taking good notes. This will allow you to identify important topics which are likely to become the source of exam questions. Taking effective notes will also increase your efficiency when it comes to studying for an exam. Use a system such as the Cornell note taking system throughout your course, this will dramatically increase your productivity when it comes to revision.

Another source of information on what you should study for an exam can come from students who studied that course the year before. If you are friendly with students in the following year, then speak to them about it, although they will often not remember…

The fact is, exams are designed so that you DO NOT KNOW what questions will be asked, that is the point of them, so all you really have to go on are the four things I identify here:

  • Past exam papers
  • Lecturers
  • Your own notes
  • Students who took the exam the previous year

Do not rely on the above, they are at best indicators of what you should study for your exam.

The first time I used past exam papers I was very successful, all the themes from previous years came up in my exam… I thought I had hit the jackpot!

The next exam I took, I did the same thing, I used past exam papers, none of the questions were repeated, my exam was totally different.

There is no substitute for knowing your subject, attending lectures, taking good notes. When the chips are down this is what will get you the marks.

You should really only use things like past exam papers only to ascertain the level of difficulty / standard required, and only use information from Lecturers or past students to try and ensure you have missed anything out of your revision.

Effective K12 Teaching Strategies. Projects To Get Students To Think

The K-12 education system covers the complete education of schoolchildren from the primary to the secondary. The main area of education emphasized in this method of teaching is to encourage students to think and reach their own conclusions.

The Theory behind K12 Education

This method of teaching is different from the teaching methods practiced in most schools that function in the public domain, where the accent is on book knowledge from well laid out curriculum. Effective K12 teaching strategies will require the students to work on assignments that help them to develop their own thinking, while they are learning. These assignments help the student to revise material, which has been previously taught.

The system is meant to give individual attention to children, while the subjects taught are understood in a way that is practical. The teacher mainly functions as a guide, and provides the students with opportunities for learning. In this method of education, every student develops his or her own capacity to learn, and any success gained largely depends on the ability of the student to think.

Classroom activities in schools that use this system of education are similar to schools elsewhere and will involve the taking of notes, during the teaching process and the submission of records to corroborate this. In K12 education students are encouraged to impose their own thoughts and vision on the material that is being studied. Discussions are encouraged and even institutionalized.

Material Students Can Relate To

One of the most effective K12 teaching strategies is to relate all study material to situations that arise in modern life. Most children nowadays are quite accustomed to multi-tasking, as this is a very vital skill, necessary for life in the modern world. So children are quite used to chatting, while they text their friends and even play video games while they are doing both these activities. Lessons therefore need to be structured in a way that they capture the attention of the student.

Every lesson has to have a clear objective that needs to be learned. It should be able to provide opportunities for discussions and ways to work with other students. The teachers can make informal assessments, even while other formal assessments need to be part of the strategy. After the end of every class, students must have time to think about what they have learned or seen. This system of learning keeps student engrossed in the learning, and this reduces chances of their disrupting the class.

Take Attention Span Into Consideration

Among other strategies for K12 education is to orient the teaching to the attention span of students. This is very much helped, when examples that are given are never theoretical and abstract, but deal with real life situations. While teaching biology, relate the lessons to illnesses and situations that children do face.  Geometry and the subject of rectangles is better understood, when children relate it to some actual work, like painting a classroom, where they easily understand the area that needs to be covered.

Project Based Learning

The most effective K12 teaching strategies have to do with learning that is based on projects. This is better understood when you learn the concept of driving a car, but it is only the actual driving that really translates all the learning into practical terms. Students can be encouraged to work with each other to better understand a lesson, and also to continually ask questions. Every question comes from a different way of thinking and can add to the general knowledge of all students attending such sessions.

K12 education does encourage students to develop academic abilities, while also encouraging them to hone their own social skills. Keep projects simple to start with and let them build up to their own complexity, with encouragement from the students who participate.

Starting a Group

Starting a group on your campus is easier than you think. Follow these directions to get your group up and running.

  1. Get Educated

Ask yourself “What do I know about the beginning of life, the effect abortion has on women, what abortion is, why we must be pro-life in all cases — no exceptions?”

  • The best way to learn is to educate yourself.
  • You don’t need to be an expert before you begin. Just know the basics; education is an ongoing process.
  • Know the basic arguments and responses from both sides.
  • Keep up to date on issues. (Subscribe to LifeNews)
  • Find your local pro-life organization and pregnancy counseling center for information and to help you get started.

These groups could also help provide speakers at meetings, literature, and general support

  1. Know Your Campus

Remember that pro-life groups are single issue and non-partisan.

Monitor your opposition. If your campus did not have a pro-abortion group before your group was founded, then prepare for one to spring up in opposition to your group. It is a good idea to monitor the pro-abortion activity on campus but remember not to get too wrapped up to the point where you club activity falters.

  • Attend one of their meetings (to observe)
  • Check out their web page
  • Know your opposition so that you will be able to focus on specific issues and arguments

Campus Policies. In order to effectively run a college pro-life group, you must know what services your school does or doesn’t offer. This is imperative in order for your group to change, improve, or terminate certain campus services. With this information you will be better able to provide accurate and valuable services to students with children on your campus. You need to know what they need in order to better help your school community.

Know what your campus offers:

  • Do they have a medical center, health services, or nurse?
  • Do they offer gynecological exams?
  • Are they funded by Planned Parenthood, or other like organizations?
  • Do they offer the morning after pill, or other abortion inducing drugs?
  • Do they offer abortions?
  • If you are pregnant, what do they recommend? Will they refer you to a counseling service?
  • Do they offer on campus housing for students with children?
  • Do they offer day care for students with children?

Ways to gather this information:

  • Use the Feminists for Life Pregnancy Resources Survey
  • Go to your campus medical center.
  • Ask them what services they offer in general.
  • Ask about gynecological exams.
  • If they do offer gynecological exams, ask what services they offer within.

The best way to gather this kind of information is to have a gynecological exam there. Or better yet, pretend you are pregnant, and ask for advice. It is helpful to bring an audio recorder with you when performing this work.

Go to the housing office and inquire about housing for students with children and about day care services. This information should be readily available in the housing office.

Again the best way to find out would be to act as though you are pregnant, or that you are inquiring for a friend. If your school has no housing in general, contact the student services office or the like for information regarding day care options.

  1. Find like-minded people who are willing to help start a group with you.

These could be friends, people from class, your dorm, church, whoever has the same views on life, along with dedication and time to help you. This can be a difficult task, but don’t give up hope; you’ll be surprised where you find other pro-life people. Also, look to your local pro-life organization and local or on-campus religious organizations. If you can’t find anyone to help, don’t worry. This just means you have to do a little more recruitment (see below). Within your small group, decide who has different skills, such as speaking, designing flyers, organizing, fundraising, etc.

  1. Become an Official Campus Group

Remember, each campus is different, as are each campus’s policies for becoming an officially recognized group.

Check out your Student Activities, Student Life, or Student Government office for details on becoming officially recognized.

Find a faculty advisor.

Most colleges require a faculty advisor. However if you are unable to find one, your club will still be able to function but without the option of school funding, and you may not be able to use school property for an event.

This person can be very useful when it comes to the ins and outs of the university.

Finding an adviser might be a little difficult, but listen to your professors – do they talk about abortion? If so, what side do they take?

Create a constitution.

Most schools require this; plus it is beneficial to know exactly what your group is going to do, and how they are going to do it.

See our sample constitution and our sample mission statement.

  1. Find and Develop Members
  • Advertise!
  • Post flyers at the hot spots on campus
  • SFLA sample club flyer
  • Death Row sample club flyer
  • Speak Out!
  • Talk to other campus organizations that may have the same views as you and see if their members would like to join.
  • Clipboard!
  • Your primary targets should be freshman.
  • Grab a clipboard, a pen, download one of the below sign-up sheets, make copies of your meeting flyer, and head to a well populated area of campus.
  • Simply ask passers-by if they are pro-life. If they respond “yes,” then have them sign up, hand them a meeting flyer, and ask them to join you.
  • Sample clipboard sheet 1 and sample clipboard sheet 2.
  • Network with other groups on campus. Even if they decide not to join the group, you could collaborate with them in future events.
  • Keep contact names, emails, and phone numbers. Keep the members posted on upcoming events and meetings. Create a Google e-mail group and Facebook group for your club, so you can easily stay in contact.
  • See the How to Recruit for Your Club Guide.
  1. Manage the Group

Executive Board Meetings

This is for the officers only.

Held at least twice a semester, once before the first general meeting to make the upcoming agenda, and at the end to review and see how it can be altered in the future.

Keys to a successful meeting

You should have a group meeting at least twice a month. Pick a day, time, and place and make that a reoccurring event.

Use Icebreakers to get to know everyone, and to let everyone have a chance to speak. Keep them short and fun.

Make sure you pass out the goals/mission of your group. This is important to keep everyone on the same page and to keep striving towards a set of goals.

Allow the club members to brainstorm ideas. Come to the meeting with a list of suggested events for the semester that the officers already made up and let members give their suggestions and comments.

Keep meetings to an hour or less.

Always come to the meeting with an agenda to pass out to members.

Sample agendas for the first 6 meetings

Prepare a calendar of the semester’s meetings and events and make sure that every member receives this calendar. Remember to keep the calendar flexible, but after a few suggestions, the calendar should be set by the meetings end. It is ideal to set your calendar for the next semester at the end of the semester prior for budgeting and planning purposes. However with new groups, your calendar should be set as soon as possible.

  • Plan Your Year Guide
  • Blank calendar to use when planning
  • Also, have sign-in sheets at your meetings.
  • Sample meeting sign-in sheet
  • Delegate responsibilities for the semester and form committees to assign tasks. It is key to have people involved in order to keep them as a part of your group.
  • Give members tasks that reflect their abilities and interests. For example, if a member is a journalism major, then ask him or her to start a pro-life publication or to be the press secretary for the group.
  • See the How to Run Effective Meetings Guide.
  • Make meetings interesting! Have someone talk about a current issue or hot topic that will help educate your group members. Some ideas are:

Pro-life 101 – The basics

How to talk to a friend who’s facing an unexpected pregnancy:

  • Post abortion counseling
  • Post abortive testimony – If you know of a willing woman who has been through the pain, have her speak
  • Legislation and elections
  • Cloning and Stem-Cell Research
  • Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
  • Common pro-choice questions and pro-life answers
  • Early feminists and abortion
  • What exactly is an abortion? Talk about types and perhaps show a video, such as the Silent Scream or Harder Truth
  • How to Sidewalk Counsel
  • Have snacks at your meeting

Try to talk individually with each new person that attends. This will encourage them to attend future meetings.

Hold special events for club members to encourage friendships within the club. (This will help develop more active members.)

Have a movie presentation in one of the dorms or at your cinema – For Keeps, Life is Beautiful, It’s a Wonderful Life, Cider House Rules… and have a discussion following it.

Have friend nights where members are asked to bring their friends to learn about the club, enjoy snacks, and play games or watch a movie.

Go on an outing with club members to volunteer or just hang out.

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How to Study for a Test

Knowing how to study for a test is quite easy if you have the potential to reflect upon your behavior in the case of a time period and the routine that you may or may not implement on a day to day basis. The first scenario to consider is the SCENARIO! Where do you often study and is it getting in the way of you receiving the full study effect?

You may be unaware of how your surroundings are affecting your habits and personality in gender. This is common among students who tend to live in a busy household with many brothers and sisters. Don’t be afraid to leave your house altogether if you want to study without disruption. We are not all blessed with the peace and quiet within a home – which is why there are plenty of open coffee shops and libraries that have books and free WIFI available to anyone.

Take advantage of these public facilities because they have many people who are studying just as you are, or taking advantage of the high speed internet to obtain the information that they need to study materials or write an essay. Next, you should look at how you are studying. You may be a repetitive learner in which you have to repeat information continuously in the days counting up to the exam. If this is required, then buckle down and just do it. 20 minutes a day consisting of flash cards will refresh your memory and the area in your brain, which stores new information.

If you are auditory, then use a tape recorder and record the information in class so that you can repeat it on your free time without having to stare at a paper for hours on end. If you are visual, then write as much information as you can. Do none of these solutions work for you? Maybe you don’t know how to study for a test the right way because you haven’t been active in learning.

For all of your active learning you may have to be a bit more hands-on with the information that you are receiving by acting it out with objects or relating the materials to objects that will allow you to better understand the test questions and answers. If you are an active learner, it’s also suggested that you participate during class when it’s necessary, so that you can interact with other students and with the instructor.

Also, consider collecting a study group that will meet with you every so often and converse with you about the information while also critiquing the way that you are performing math or word problems. Remember that you cannot get the reward that you are looking for by simply assuming that everything will come to you easily. Get the books out and study in a way that works for you!

Preparing for University

If you’re planning to return to college and after a few years or go for the first time, will be prepared in the same way. Many of us do not know what to expect, I do not know what our classes look like and what type of college atmosphere. To help you prepare to enter and, if some of these suggestions below!

Choice: First, you want to choose the right school for them. Imagine this University specializes in what will be my study? There are good reviews? If the college is cheaper than others? I just want a college or university community? And yet the questions. Should be able to answer all the questions and how to have a positive attitude, whether the university for you.

Conclusion: They also want the level you have in mind. Otherwise, go to classes that do not expect to be in the direction of their studies, or will not be transferred. Make sure you know what you do not spend time and money you want.

Adviser: To help you decide what do you recommend to speak with a consultant. Help you make up your mind, give you some idea, you know what classes the school has to offer and what choices you have in this field. Not only are much better when they feel abandoned, but also tackle the problem from the outset, it is very important. These sessions are free and can help reduce the school as possible when you see them now. So in the long run will save you time and money.

Date: You must ensure that the program of work around the college. If you go to college full time to really not much time to do things. Also, make sure that their priorities are straight and have what they need, first of all. Keep your workplace to a minimum so you can get just working hard at school and hanging out with friends after work, to school and their working hours do not conflict.

Payments: Now that we know where we are going, what we would like to receive our conclusion that we spoke with a consultant and we have our priorities right to demand money. College is expensive, because not everyone is so surprised when you need to know about student loans. You can save as much as possible and pay what you can, but keep the rest for student loans. Do not feel guilty about it. You can register online for this.

As you can see, there are many things you want when it comes to the University of thinking. All these are important if you want to head in the right direction if you want to end as soon as possible and if you want to spend as little as possible.

A Thesis vs a Dissertation. How Not to Get Confused and Write a Good Paper

Writing a thesis can be a tough job. Similar is the case with a dissertation. Both of these assignments are the toughest among academic course of a student. A thesis is a project in which the student has to carry out his own new research on a certain area. He needs to develop a hypothesis, find supporting evidence, get relevant data, organize his ideas into a logical order, and conclude the paper in a firm and clear way. A dissertation, on the other hand, is about, collecting already existing research material and use it in our own way. The student needs to gather the relevant published material and look at it in a unique way. The person also needs to give a new conclusion and direction to this paper to make it unique. In most of the institutes, a thesis is written for advanced level degree, while the dissertation is written in start of a professional degree. However, the difference between a dissertation and thesis depends upon the location you reside in. In United States, the doctorate degree needs a dissertation while in UK it is the opposite. In china, both the terms are used alternatively for advanced level research project. Different regions have different specifications for both kinds of projects.

  • If you are confused about whether you need to write a dissertation or thesis, it is best that you consult your university officials. They will guide you with the requirements you need to meet for your project. The best idea is to ask for expert opinion before you start attempting your paper. If you attempt your paper without asking anyone then you might lose all your efforts because you chose the wrong direction.
  • Students should also consult their seniors in the university or college to help them with the type of paper. They have been at this stage before you and they will know what exactly you need to do. They can also assist you with the preferences of your teacher and the university. Some teachers prefer a standard format for the paper while others may have custom instructions for the project
  • You also should check with your parents and siblings and ask them what you need to do. You can tell them the grade you are in and the subject you are studying to get best help

Have You Tried Speech Recognition Software?

Speech recognition software is designed to take the words you say and convert them to text on a page. You can literally speak into a microphone and see your words type their way to life. If you are a slow typist or simply someone looking to speed up your writing abilities, this could be the solution you are looking for. A lot of college students use programs like Dragon Naturally Speaking to help themselves write essays, take notes, and get through their day to day work. Here are some ways that speech recognition software may be able to help you out.

How Speech Recognition Works

Speech recognition software works by picking up on the words or phrases that you say and converting them into recognized words on a page. Some software programs understand more than others, depending on how they work. The ideal programs will transcribe full sentences, rather than individual words. That way you get “The robotic dog stepped in ice cream,” instead of “The robot ick dog stepped in I scream.” No system is perfect, but most of them will customize themselves over time to suit your voice and vocabulary. This will make the program as effective as possible.

How to Use Speech Recognition Effectively

In order to use a program like this correctly, you need to enunciate your words. If you start sounding like Lil’ Wayne when you talk into the mic, it may not pick up on all the words coming out of your mouth. Have you ever had trouble understanding someone in a drive thru window because he was slurring his words together? The same effect will happen with the software if you don’t break down your words.

Learn to speak out the punctuation marks because most programs will not automatically put them in there. “I love music (comma) and I also love football (period)” this takes a bit of time to get used to, but then you will find yourself actually speaking like that to normal people. I did that for a while, and my husband got so annoyed when I slipped up with it. If you can shut that part of your mind down while you’re in the real world, that would be ideal.

Take some time to explore a program like this, even if you just look at a free trial. It can’t hurt to see if it would speed up your time in school. Play around with the software until you get into a rhythm, and I think you’ll be surprised by just how easy it is to use.